“NEVER Wins Again!!”: The Wife Of One Of Bill Belichick’s Idols Calls Him A Mean, Miserable Cheater

Wow. Just when you thought things couldn’t get any worse for Bill Belichick and the New England Patriots…

At 2-8, they could very well be the worst team in the entire league (although that’s heavily debatable).

Regardless, the wheels have completely fallen off in Foxborough and there’s strong speculation that this could be Belichick’s final season in charge.

Adding salt to the wound for jolly ol’ Bill is the news that the wife of one of his coaching idols has absolutely destroyed him.

Fran Levy, wife of the legendary Marv Levy, spoke to The Boston Globe and pulled back the curtain on her true feelings for Belichick.

“I think he should retire … I can’t stand him. He’s a cheater and he was rude to Marv,” she told The Globe.

“Bill Belichick was always jealous of Marv. He’s a mean person and I hope he never wins again,” she added.


For what it’s worth, Marv attempted to take the high-road and downplay his wife’s harsh comments.

“Don’t quote me on that. I’m not saying that. I’m going to have Fran run some extra wind sprints for saying that!” he humorously said.

Belichick famously referenced Marv back in 2009, stating: “I won’t be like Marv Levy and coach in my 70’s.”

Yet here he is, at 71-years-old, still coaching … And whether he’s in New England next year or not, he’s expected to continue coaching.

After all, he’s so very close to the NFL all-time wins record, a mark that is said to be very important to him.

Marv retired from coaching at 72-years-old … Interestingly, he admitted he soon regretted it.

“About a year or two after I left, I felt I’d retired too soon … I missed coaching. I regretted it and wanted to come back, but I was too old and no one would have hired me. If somebody would have hired me, I would have come sprinting back,” he said.

Belichick, who received the majority of the credit for shutting down Levy’s high-powered Buffalo Bills in Super Bowl XXV (while he was the defensive coordinator for the New York Giants), acknowledged last year that his comment about Levy “was not one of my better statements.”

As for this season, Belichick knows it’s going to be a painful final stretch.

“I think we’re all disappointed in the season. But we’ll keep going here … Seven games to go. Be ready to go next week against the Giants,” he said after Sunday’s loss to the Colts.

The million-dollar question is will these be the final seven games of his Patriots career?

What do you think will end up happening with Belichick???

