DEVELOPING: The Chiefs May Actually Be Moving And THIS Fascinating City Is Trying To Get Them … Will It Happen??

Clark Hunt and the Kansas City Chiefs received disappointing news when a crucial sales tax proposal in Jackson County, Missouri, was rejected.

The failed sales tax, intended to fund substantial upgrades to Arrowhead Stadium and a new downtown stadium for the MLB’s Royals, left the Chiefs and Royals scrambling for alternatives.

Of course, the proposal was meant with much controversy and criticism.

There’s very few things the public hates more than having to fund projects for billionaires who could easily just front the bill themselves.

The Chiefs may be one of the best-run organizations in all of sports, but they didn’t make a wise move teaming up with the Royals on this proposal.

The Royals are well-known for being one of the cheapest organizations in all of baseball and have shown very little interest in putting a winning product on the field.

In other words, the public didn’t fully view this as helping their beloved back-to-back Super Bowl champs renovate Arrowhead Stadium – they knew they would also have to help fund a ballpark for one of the worst franchises in all of baseball.

There is now discussion about what the future might hold for the Chiefs.

Neighboring state, Kansas, is said to be very interested in luring the Chiefs across the border.

Enter Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson who has thrown his weight behind the possibility of the Chiefs returning to their roots in Texas.

“Dallas was named the top sports city in the United States because we play to win,” Johnson told The Dallas Morning News.

“Our market is big enough, growing enough, and loves football more than enough to support a second NFL team – especially a franchise (and an owner) with deep roots here.”

Some young football fans may not know this, but the Kansas City Chiefs actually started out as the Dallas Texans.

The Dallas Texans played at the historic Cotton Bowl, which conveniently remains available for potential use.

Now, as interesting as it is to think about, we all know the chances of the Chiefs moving back to Dallas are extremely slim.

Despite Dallas and Texas as a whole being world famous for their love of football, we know Mr. Jerry Jones wouldn’t be too pleased to share any sort of spotlight with another NFL team in town.

As unlikely as it is, the thought of two NFL franchises in Dallas is certainly interesting.

What percent chance do you give it of happening? … We’ll put the over/under at .0001%

Interestingly, the potential move to Dallas isn’t the only KC-Dallas news of the day…

What are your thoughts on the situation?

Should Hunt and the organization be responsible for the entire renovation costs?

Would the Chiefs just be better off moving to Kansas???
