WATCH: Micah Parsons Infuriates The Baseball World With The Most Disrespectful Claim You’ll Ever Hear In Your Life … Is He Serious?!?

A lucrative contract extension is undoubtedly on the top of Micah Parsons’ mind.

As one of the most destructive defensive players in all of football, Parsons is in line for a massive payday.

When exactly that payday will come remains to be seen. But one thing is for sure, Parsons isn’t letting the tension of his contract situation prevent him from having a great time.

Parsons has been traveling all over the globe this offseason and has spent a ton of time with his hated in-state rival good buddy C.J. Stroud.

The pair have routinely pumped out entertaining content.

Sometimes their content gets quite controversial, however. The latest case being Parsons’ claim that he would maintain a .200 batting average if given five at-bats per game over the course of a 162-game Major League Baseball season.

Needless to say, Parsons’ ridiculous claim went viral on social media and drew plenty of push-back.

“Micah, you are a phenomenal athlete, top tier,” Los Angeles Dodgers star Mookie Betts said. “(But) No chance you can hit between .180 and .200.

“You can do a lot of things, and a lot of things successfully … But hitting a baseball is not one of ’em.”

Pitcher Tyler Glasnow, Betts’ teammate on the Dodgers, also found Parsons’ claim amusing.

When informed by Chris Rose, Glasnow laughed and shared his thoughts on the matter.

“If he had 500 at-bats? Five hits,” Glasnow said. “I think once he steps in and sees a big-league (pitcher), he’d be like, ‘Never mind.’ You know what I mean?”

However, not all MLB players were entirely dismissive of Parsons’ potential.

Texas Rangers infielder Marcus Semien expressed a bit more confidence in the NFL star’s hitting abilities.

“Nah, I think he’d get more (hits) than that,” Semien said, implying that Parsons could surpass the five-hit mark if given 500 at-bats.

Semien is in the minority when it comes to his opinion on the debate.

It doesn’t matter how great of an athlete Parsons is – getting a base hit off a Major League pitcher (let alone just making contact) is a whole other animal.

There’s a reason why many call it the single hardest thing to do in all of sports.

Look no further than the fact that if you fail “just” 70% of the time then you’re on pace to make the Hall of Fame.

Parsons just turned 25-years-old and hasn’t even entered his prime yet.

There are some who believe that he will eventually sign an extension that makes him the highest-paid non-quarterback in NFL history.

While that may be a bit of a stretch, he will certainly be a very wealthy man in the near future.

He’s been named All-Pro in each of his first three seasons in the league. With 213 tackles and 40.5 sacks already to his name, he is seemingly well on his way to Canton as long as he can stay healthy. (Knock on wood, Cowboy fans!)

What are your thoughts on Parsons’ claim that he would bat .200 at the Major League level?

How many base hits do you think he would get if given 500 at-bats?

Getting back to football, where do you rank Parsons among the best defensive players in the league?

What type of contract do you think he’s in line for???
