WATCH: Arod Makes Shocking Comment That’s Revealing, Humorous & Sad All Rolled Into One … Do You Feel Sorry For Him??

The New York Yankees took center stage this past weekend as they faced the rival Boston Red Sox up at Fenway Park.

While not as heated as it once was, Yanks-Sox is still the best rivalry in all of baseball and is still certainly must-watch for any fan of the sport.

Boston impressively took 2 of 3 from the Bombers to remain very much alive in the playoff hunt.

Alex Rodriguez is one of the most polarizing players in Major League Baseball history – perhaps THE most.

He was a central figure at the height of the Yanks-Sox rivalry.

It’s funny that he became Public Enemy #1 in Boston considering if he had his way, he would have been a Red Sox.

But of course, he wound on his second club of choice: the New York Yankees.

Sure, the steroid controversy will always surround him. That storm cloud will always hover over his head and there’s absolutely nothing he can do about it.

Having said that, there’s no denying that Arod is one of the greatest players of all-time.

Recently, while at his old Yankee Stadium stomping grounds, Arod’s FOX partner David Ortiz asked him: “A-Rod, when are we getting your number here?” referring to the famed Monument Park.

Arod had a humorous, yet very telling response…

“Papi, you have a better chance of getting your number retired than I do,” he said.

While a large portion of baseball fans will always despise Arod, it is quite remarkable how he’s turned his reputation around.

After all, he spent the vast majority of his career as one of the most hated players in all of sports.

Arod was well-known to be as obnoxious, arrogant and downright phony as it gets.

His level of insecurity made George Costanza look like John Dutton. (Remember when he followed Derek Jeter up and down the dugout copying his every single move??)

Arod’s new-found sense of self-awareness has made him infinitely more likable. Some even consider him a sympathetic figure.

His resurrection and resurgence on the baseball scene is quite amazing.

Considering how much he genuinely loves baseball, you could certainly see Arod being a staple in broadcasting for decades.

Arod’s career at the Major League level spanned from 1994-2016. (It’s hard to believe he’s been retired THAT long, isn’t it??)

He finished his career with a .295 batting average, 3,115 hits, 696 home runs and 2,086 RBI’s.

He was a 14-time All-Star, 3-time MVP, 10-time Silver Slugger winner and also earned two gold gloves.

These numbers are absolutely insane. However, everyone will always take them with a gallon of salt due to his use of performance enhancing drugs.

It’s a shame – but he did it to himself. There’s no one else to blame – and he (now) knows that.

Arod is a complicated figure. There are/were many things to not like about him. But no one could ever knock his pure love of baseball and passion for winning.

Despite being the richest player in the sport, Arod would spend most of his free-time watching other baseball games from around the league.

He was a genuine baseball nut – and you have to love and respect that about him (even you Boston fans).

Arod’s proudest accomplishment in pinstripes is undoubtedly when he helped lead the Yankees to the 2009 World Series title.

Amazingly, the Bombers haven’t won the title since. (But that may very well change this year.)

What are your thoughts on Arod’s complicated legacy?

Do you think he deserves to have his number retired?

Will he ever be inducted into the Hall of Fame???
