Trevor Bauer Clears His Name After Disgraceful Media Dragged Him Through The Mud For 2 Years

“Trevor Bauer and Lindsey Hill have settled all outstanding litigation. Both of their respective claims have been withdrawn with prejudice, effective today. Mr. Bauer did not make — and never has made — any payments to Ms. Hill, including to resolve their litigation … With this matter now at rest, Mr. Bauer can focus completely on baseball.”

This is how the statement from Trevor Bauer’s attorneys read … However, there is much more to the story than this – and many, many people owe Bauer an apology for dragging his name and reputation through the mud for two years. 

The former Cy Young Award winner was accused of sexual assault by Lindsey Hill back in 2021.

Throughout the entire process, Bauer denied the allegations. However, in the court of public opinion, Bauer was instantly found guilty.

The vast majority of the media called for Bauer to be suspended … Some even called for him to be banned from baseball.

Sure enough, MLB placed him on administrative leave in July 2021 after the initial allegations were made.

Those initial allegations made by Hill stated that Bauer assaulting her on two different occasions at his home in Pasadena, California.

MLB initially suspended Bauer for 324 games. However, the ban was later reduced to 194 games by an independent arbitrator. He was ultimately released by the Los Angeles Dodgers.

After no MLB teams showed any interest in signing Bauer, he left for Japan to continue his career with the Yokohama DeNa Baystars.

It seemed for a while as if Bauer was going to fade away from the eyes of the (American) baseball world and would be forever remembered as a disgraced piece of garbage.

However, Bauer was determined to shoot down the nasty allegations and prove to the world what really happened.

After Bauer sued Hill for defamation, she countersued. This entire process led to discovery of some vital evidence that showed the apparent fabrication of Hill’s claims.

Hill’s legal team offered Bauer the opportunity to settle the case on multiple occasions … Not falling for the apparent “money grab,” Bauer declined each and every time.

That was until Hill’s team, perhaps knowing they were caught red-handed, made an offer to Bauer for both sides to drop their lawsuits against each other with no money having to be exchanged.

Bauer took this offer – but only on the condition that he’d be able to publicly speak about the case, something that he hadn’t been able to do up until that point.

And just like that, Bauer was free to share the truth of the story … He posted a video on X detailing several vital details of the case that the public had yet to know.

It took Bauer a very long time to be able to tell his side of the story, but thankfully he did.

He deserves a world of credit (and apologies) for not caving to the accuser’s ridiculous demands.

Based on the text messages that Bauer shared, it’s extremely evident what exactly took place here.

“‘Next victim. Star pitcher for the Dodgers,’” Bauer said in the video. “A text Lindsey Hill sent to a friend before she ever even met me. ‘What should I steal?’ she asked another, in reference to visiting my house for the first time. The answer? ‘Take his money.’ So how might that work? ‘I’m going to his house Wednesday.’ she said, ‘I already have my hooks in. you know how I roll.’ Then, after the first time we met, “Net worth is 51 mil” she said. ‘b—h, you better secure the bag’, was the response.

“But how was she going to do that? ‘Need daddy to choke me out,’ she said. ‘being an absolute whore to try to get in on his 51 million,’ read another text. Then, after the second time we met, former [San Diego] Padres pitcher Jacob Nix told her ‘you gotta get this bag.’ ‘I’ll give you 50,000’ Lindsey replied. Her AA sponsor asked her at one point, ‘do you feel a tiny bit guilty?’ ‘Not really,’ she replied.”

Clearly, it takes a certain type of person to do what Hill did. 

Needless to say, a whole lot of eyes were opened to the shameful reality of what took place…

“I never said a word about Trevor Bauer till today because there weren’t enough facts available. However now I think it is pretty clear nobody of sound mind including a judge can believe accuser’s version of events … Regardless his life was ruined for 2 years by media playing judge + jury. All people who rushed to condemn Bauer should be issuing an apology that is as loud be as the condemnation was. And again maybe let cases like this play out in court where they belong + not on social media.”

“The Trevor Bauer case proves again that false accusations of rape are just as evil as rape itself. False accusers should be treated like rapists. Put them on a False Accuser Registry. Send them to prison. A just society would treat these women as the dangerous criminals they are.”

“Ex-MLB pitcher Trevor Bauer is owed an apology from EVERYONE … The #metoo movement is being abused to strip innocent men of their power!”

“False rape accusations should have the same penalty as the rape would have had.”

“A lot of people and organizations owe you a lot of money. Please go collect it all.”

“I’m looking forward to how all the folks that were wrong in this situation call those that waited to make a judgement meat riders … They’ll never be good people and they know it. Good for you, Trevor. Sad you had to wait two years to say what you already knew.”

Also, it should not go unnoticed what all those reporters and media companies did to Bauer.

They shamefully assassinated his character and dragged his name through the mud for two years…

“HOLY SHLIT … Journalist @Molly_Knight formerly of The Athletic reported that pitcher Trevor Bauer fractured the skull of Lindsey Hill … At the time, The Athletic had copies of Hill’s medical records which showed there was no fracture … She reported it anyway.”

“The woman who led the charge to get Trevor Bauer banned by MLB based on 100% made up false allegations has had me blocked for years now for calling out her biased reporting. There should be significant consequences for the sports reporters who shared these lies.”

“There needs to be consequences for the reporters who got the Trevor Bauer story wrong.”

“Classic ESPN… What a bullshit headline/story! … They are completely ignoring the REAL story, which should be … “Trevor Bauer releases viral video showing why the sex abuse allegations with which we helped destroy his career were clearly false.””

Here’s hoping Bauer can resume his career in the Major Leagues … Hopefully teams have the courage to pursue him now that this disgraceful saga is over. 

What is your take on this whole messy situation?

