Columnist Says Jim Harbaugh & Michigan Deserve The DEATH PENALTY For Cheating Scandal

These are very interesting times for the Michigan Wolverines football program.

They are arguably the best team in all of college football but are once again wrapped up in an alleged scandal. 

What the future holds is anyone’s guess as of now. 

Just how deep and serious their alleged sign-stealing scheme was will go a long way in deciding any punishment for both head coach Jim Harbaugh and the program.

It could be a suspension … It could be loss of scholarships … It could be pretty much anything.

We’ll soon find out.

However, one columnist is taking quite the dramatic stance with the whole issue/

Brendan Gulick of BuckeyesNow (surprise surprise!) is calling for Harbaugh and Michigan football to receive the death penalty if the cheating allegations are proven true.

“I think it needs to be made abundantly clear that altering the integrity of the game is the worst possible offense a program could commit … Whether that punishment comes from the NCAA, the Big Ten, the College Football Playoff committee or the University of Michigan themselves, I don’t really care,” Gulick said. 

“I can’t comprehend some of the arguments I’ve read or listened to from Michigan fans over the past week. There is no turning back here. There is absolutely no way that Michigan’s administration should allow coach Harbaugh and his staff to continue leading this program. Nothing could justify that,” he added.

What do you think of Gulick’s take?

What should the punishment be for Harbaugh and Michigan if the allegations are proven true?

At the end of the day, do you think Big Jim will end up escaping all the headache and leave for the NFL???

As far as this season, have you seen enough of the Wolverines to declare them the best team in the country and national title favorites?

