PHOTOS & REACTION: The Football World Is Absolutely DESTROYING Dak Prescott For His New Haircut … Should We Read Into This??

It should be quite an eventful offseason for Dallas Cowboys quarterback Dak Prescott.

The 2023 season certainly didn’t end the way Prescott and the Cowboys wanted it to. The questions that some thought he had already answered popped up again in hideous fashion as the Boys were demolished at home by the Green Bay Packers in the playoffs.

But hey, onward and upward.

Prescott’s girlfriend just gave birth to a new baby girl, named “Baby MJ.”

And owner Jerry Jones has made it clear that he wants Prescott to be a Cowboy for life.

Whether Jones truly means that or not, the fact is Dallas will most likely give Prescott a brand-new contract which may very well (at least temporarily) make him the highest-paid player in all of football.

To celebrate the new chapter in his life, Prescott got a brand-new haircut.

Previously known for his signature shaved head coupled with a full beard, Prescott has opted for a dramatic alteration by trimming his facial hair into a sleek goatee.

Unfortunately for Prescott, the football world wasn’t exactly huge fans of his new look.

Being the starting quarterback of the Dallas Cowboys means you will get more attention than the vast majority of players – not just in football, but in all of sports, period.

It also means you will get more hate, whether deserved or not, than nearly anyone.

Needless to say, fans were quite vocal with their opinions on social media…

“Bro wants to be Jalen Hurts soooo bad!!”

“That hairline on its way to Stephan A Smith territory.”

“His hair is about as long as his playoff runs.”

“Dak said, ‘Give me the Sinbad.'”

“Wanna be Jalen Hurts.”

“Don’t know why anyone would wanna be butterfingers in the Super Bowl.”

“The Dallas Cowboys have the same chance of winning a playoff game that Dak has hair………….none.”

“Definitely getting out of the first round now.”

“Common???? When’s your next album coming out bruh?”

“Another reason cowboys are a laughing stock.”

“Idk but that goatee lined up like a mf! His barber aint no sucker.”

“2 bums!”

What are your thoughts on Prescott’s new look?

More importantly, what do you think of him as a quarterback?

What type of contract do you think he’s deserving of?

Is he truly a legitimate franchise quarterback?

Will he ever win a Super Bowl???

