Winston Defends Saints Players: No Regrets for Late Touchdown by Jamaal Williams

Tempers flared and words were exchanged between Falcons coach Arthur Smith and Saints coach Dennis Allen following today’s game, sparked by an unexpected touchdown from Saints running back Jamaal Williams during victory formation when the game was already decided. Although Allen issued an apology, Saints quarterback Jameis Winston stood firm, expressing no remorse for the unconventional play.

In a surprising twist, Winston revealed that the decision to deviate from the kneeldown was a collective one among the Saints players. Instead of following the conventional playbook, they opted to hand the ball to Williams. Winston acknowledged apologizing to Allen for not adhering to the original play call but emphasized the team’s unanimous desire to acknowledge Williams for his selfless contributions throughout the season.

“It was a team decision,” Winston explained. “We know how much Jamaal means to this team. And I understood from D.A.’s perspective, D.A. didn’t condone that at all, but we decided as a team to do it.”

Winston remained resolute, stating that he harbors “no regrets” about the team’s collective choice, even in the face of his coach’s dissatisfaction. The incident adds a layer of complexity to the post-game dynamics, reflecting a team’s commitment to recognizing and appreciating one of its key contributors, despite the unconventional circumstances that ensued.
