WATCH: You’ll Never Believe What Sammy Sosa Said After Reporter Ambushed Him & Asked Point Blank About Steroids… 

Sammy Sosa, the former Cubs superstar, made a notable return to Chicago last week, marking his first visit to the city since 2007.

His presence in town was tied to the Chicago Sports Spectacular, an event gathering sports fans and celebrities.

However, his return was shadowed by resurfacing inquiries regarding his alleged use of steroids during his playing days.

During an impromptu interview, Sosa was confronted with the question that has followed him for years: did he use steroids during his career?

The point-blank question certainly seemed to catch him off-guard. 

“This is, um, like I say, um…this is um…not a question I expected from you. This is not an interview that I’m really going to sit down with you, you know, for you to come out, you know, with that piece right now,” Sosa said.

“But like I said, I’m a mature man. I feel great. And let’s see what happens,” he concluded. 

The ambiguity of his response left much to interpretation.

While it did not offer a direct admission or denial, Sosa emphasized his maturity and current state of well-being, deflecting the question’s immediacy.

However, the vast majority of baseball fans certainly believe that he used steroids during his playing days. 

Sosa’s reluctance to address the issue head-on during his visit to Chicago, after a 17-year absence, proves that not much has changed.

Perhaps he thought all the time away would cause the subject to be swept under the rug to a degree.

Unfortunately for Sosa, that will never be the case.

Right or wrong, when most baseball fans think of Sosa, Barry Bonds and Mark McGwire, the first thing they will think of is steroids. 

During his tenure with the Cubs from 1992 to 2004, Sosa cemented himself as a superstar and one of the sport’s most popular players.

With 609 home runs and 1,667 RBI’s to his name, Sosa certainly has an impressive resume.

However, fair or unfair, that resume is severely tainted in most fans’ eyes. 

What are your thoughts on Sosa’s career?

How about the “steroid era” as a whole?

Do you think any of the suspected guys should be in the Hall of Fame?

(Maybe a special wing celebrating their accomplishments while also acknowledging the asterisks associated with their names???)

