WATCH: Patriots Legends Feel Deceived As They DESTROY Disgraceful “Dynasty” Documentary … Kraft Propaganda Fluff??

In a recent interview with Pro Football Talk, former New England Patriots defenders Rodney Harrison and Devin McCourty expressed their extreme disappointment with Apple’s recent documentary series, “The Dynasty.”

McCourty, a three-time Super Bowl champion during his 13-season tenure with the Patriots, conveyed his sense of feeling misled by the documentary’s portrayal.

“I felt like I got kind of duped,” he said. “I was like man, this is going to be great — the storytelling, we’re talking about this and we’re talking about that. Everything that we all gave to the 20 years that it encompassed, they only hit anything that was negative.”

Harrison echoed McCourty’s sentiment, expressing dissatisfaction with the documentary’s selective use of his interviews.

“I mean, I interviewed for five or six hours I was in New York, and all they had me saying was, ‘F*ck ’em all. F*ck ’em all,'” Harrison revealed. “Like, that’s it.”

Harrison criticized the portrayal of legendary head coach Bill Belichick in the series, arguing that it unfairly placed blame on him for the team’s recent struggles without properly acknowledging his unparalleled coaching legacy.

“They act like the last three or four years, ’cause the Patriots have struggled, that Bill can’t coach,” Harrison asserted.

“Bill made some mistakes and he wasn’t always the nicest or the purest guy, but at the end of the day he always did whatever he had to do to make the team better.”

McCourty emphasized his loyalty to Belichick, revealing that he had opportunities to leave but chose to stay in New England – and that Belichick was a major reason why. 

“I just don’t think (Belichick) got enough credit, enough respect, enough props,” Harrison added. “Man, this dude is the greatest coach of all time.”

Harrison went on to admit that he didn’t even finish the entire documentary due to him being so annoyed. 

“The Dynasty” has been a polarizing documentary.

On one hand, it’s the most revealing peak behind the curtain of the Patriots dynasty that we’ve seen to this point.

However, there are many critics who believe the documentary is told through owner Robert Kraft’s perspective and in many ways was purposely painted to make Belichick look bad. 


Have you seen The Dynasty yet?

What are your thoughts?

Do you agree with Harrison and McCourty???

