WATCH: MMA Fighter Paige VanZant Claims Travis Kelce – Taylor Swift Relationship Is A FAKE Publicity Stunt!

MMA fighter Paige VanZant thinks there’s something suspicious going on with the Travis Kelce – Taylor Swift romance.

The new power couple have been all over the news since they got together. Many (most) people are sick of them by now – but there are still plenty of people who follow their every move and are rooting for them to live together happily ever after.

However, Paige thinks the whole thing is bogus.

In a recent episode of the “Page and Austin” podcast, the former UFC star made waves by claiming their relationship is nothing more than a carefully orchestrated publicity stunt.

“I think that the Taylor Swift – Travis Kelce ‘love story,’ I believe it’s 100 percent fake,” she boldly declared. “Come for me, Swifties. I have UFC fans coming for me, I think I can handle the ‘Swifties.'”

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Paige went on to argue that the relationship serves as a massive publicity play, benefiting not only the NFL but also Swift herself with all the countless promotion she does. 

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“It is publicity … It’s huge for the NFL because yes, the NFL is big, but Taylor Swift is huge. And now she’s getting an entirely different demographic to come watch the NFL. Think of the wives that are buying Travis Kelce jerseys now,” she said. 

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“It’s a huge publicity play on both fronts … It’s good for Taylor Swift, it’s good for the NFL, it’s good for Travis Kelce. There is so much strategic stuff that’s happening,” she added.

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Despite the provocative statement, Paige acknowledged that she might not be the only one with this perspective but highlighted the rarity of a public figure expressing such an opinion openly.

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Travis Kelce recently spoke of the relationship with The Wall Street Journal.

“I’ve never been a man of words,” he said. “Being around her, seeing how smart Taylor is, has been f*cking mind-blowing … I’m learning every day.”

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While Paige and many others remain skeptical, the pair seem to be making the most of the time they have together.

Some Kansas City Chiefs fans are actually upset with Kelce, feeling that Swift has become too big of a distraction for him. 

(He has had some extremely uncharacteristic drops lately…)

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Let’s get back to Paige for a minute.

She’s keeping quite busy these days, taking part in many projects.

Despite being a solid draw in the MMA world, she recently told Barstool that she earned more money in a 24-hour period on OnlyFans than she did in her entire fighting career. 

(I guess that shouldn’t be too hard to believe…)

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Do you agree with her take on the Kelce-Swift relationship being a publicity stunt???

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