WARNING: Unless You Want Your Blood To Boil, It’s Best You Don’t Watch This Angel Hernandez Blunder Montage

(Credit: AP / Matt Rourke)

The only thing we can all unanimously agree on in this country is that Angel Hernandez is undoubtedly the worst umpire in all of baseball.

And that goes for every single level … You can’t tell me there’s a 12-year-old tee-ball ump out there who’s worse than Hernandez. 

To no one’s surprise, Hernandez once again ranked as the lowest-rated umpire in Major League Baseball this season.

The fine folks at Umpire Auditor had enough time on their hands to put together a “lowlight” package of some of Hernandez’s blunders this season…

“Angel Hernandez finished the regular season as the lowest rated umpire (min 10 games) … He didn’t get his start until August due to a back injury, but he racked up 161 bad calls in 10 games, including the lowest rated game … His season may be over, but may our memories live on.”

To everyone’s amazement (and I mean EVERYONE), Major League Baseball continues to employ this clown.

What makes the whole thing extra bizarre is that Hernandez seems to be getting WORSE as the years go on.

If MLB doesn’t come to their senses and fire him, you can guarantee that Hernandez will wreck virtually every game he’s assigned to next season. 

Needless to say, this video montage went viral on social media, and people had plenty to say…

“Keeping Hernandez employed one of the reasons why I’ve lost interest in MLB. The game has gotten so soft.”

“This falls on the league office. Pathetic that they’ve done nothing about him – and a couple others. None of us would keep our jobs if we did it this poorly.”

“Get rid of that bum! He’s killing the game! Hope he doesn’t get another MLB game in his career!”

“It blows my mind that a serious professional sports league allows this kind of bufoonery to tarnish their sport.”

“Like any of the unions who protect bad employees they are only destroying the reputations of their good employees. It boggles the mind … I’m sure the other good umpires don’t like the bad 10% making them look bad.”

“I think Their unionized so the MLB can’t do anything. It’s like the NFL reffs … We the fanbase need to start taking action – Physically start taking action … 40 fans vs 1 reff … Yeah he would probably change his ways pretty quickly after that… it needs to start happening.” 

“While I despise bad umpires, I would pay BIG MONEY to see CB Bucknor’s roided ass beat the brakes off of 10 Philly fans at the same time…. Like, LOTS OF MONEY.”

“If I were that bad at my job, I would be fired.”

“Is the compilation shorter than Gone with the Wind?”

“Angel Hernandez has to be the worst Ump in baseball history … Who remembers this?”