Wander Franco Speaks Out As Reports Indicate That His Baseball Career Is Likely Over

Tampa Bay Rays star shortstop, Wander Franco, has taken to social media to address recent allegations suggesting his involvement with a minor.

The allegations have prompted both the team and Major League Baseball to initiate investigations, leading to Franco’s placement on the restricted list.

Franco, however, vehemently denied the accusations, taking to Instagram to share a live video where he unequivocally dismissed the rumors.

“They say that I’m in public with a little girl, that I’m running around with a minor,” Franco said. “People don’t know what to do with their time. They don’t know what they’re talking about. That’s why I prefer to be on my side & not get involved with anybody.”


The video in question was reportedly recorded inside the Rays clubhouse approximately an hour prior to Sunday’s game. The allegations surfaced shortly after on various social media platforms. 

In response to the situation, the Tampa Bay Rays released a statement acknowledging the allegations. The statement reads: “During today’s game, we were made aware of the social media posts that are circulating regarding Wander Franco. We take the situation seriously and are in close contact with Major League Baseball as it conducts its due diligence.”

As of now, we don’t have concrete evidence to know whether the allegations are true or not.. Only time will tell.

Having said that, MLB Insider Hector Gomez reported a very interesting nugget that suggests Franco may be in big trouble and that his MLB career could potentially be over. 

“A person very close to the investigations into the case of Wander Franco: “It will be very unlikely that Wander Franco will play in MLB again, judging by the results of the investigations that are currently being carried out, which directly commit him to the accusations against him.”

What do you think about this whole situation?

