Urban Meyer Makes A Decision On His Coaching Future Once & For All…

Urban Meyer is regarded as a top-3 coach in college football history.

Still relatively young, he is constantly involved in rumors speculating on his possible return to the sidelines. 

Rather you believe him or not, he tried his best to put an end to all those rumors once and for all. 

Asserting that he has “no desire” to assume another coaching position, Meyer said that he is more than happy spending his time focusing on his family and personal well-being.

“I am good,” Meyer confidently affirmed on Monday while addressing the Knoxville Quarterback Club, with his sentiments documented by the Knoxville News Sentinel.

“I never really took a day off. People, when I say that, they scratch their head. I am like I never took a day off. I had some health stuff go on. I became addicted to sleeping pills. I was just a maniac worker.”

Meyer, whose coaching career spans both the college and professional levels, has recently turned his attention towards spending quality time with his wife, Shelley, and their four grandchildren, indicating a shift away from the football frenzy that has dominated his life for years.

“So the first year or so was kind of like, wake up and like I want to go coach a team. But no desire. So no. No desire,” he emphasized, laying to rest any lingering doubts about his intentions to re-enter the intense world of college football coaching.

Meyer of course is a key member of FOX Sports’ Big Noon Kickoff pregame show. 

He shed light on some of the challenges that contributed to his decision, pointing specifically to recent rule changes regarding the transfer portal and the introduction of NIL deals.

“It has never been harder, I am telling you right now,” Meyer lamented, alluding to the increasing prevalence of players and coaches aligning themselves with agents.

“Remember those days? Maybe a coordinator every once in a while had an agent. There is nothing wrong with agents. They’re great. But when I am the head coach having to deal with a high school player that (says) ‘meet with my agent first.’ I am going I want to meet with your family because you are talking about recruiting and other stuff.”

Of course, there are many who are reluctant to believe much of what Meyer has to say based on his past…

Do you believe Meyer is done with coaching for good?

Or is it only a matter of time before we see him back on the sideline somewhere???

