Urban Meyer Causes Controversy Again As He Names The Clear & Definitive “Best Player In America”

Urban Meyer may very well be the greatest college football coach of all-time, not named Nick Saban.

Having won national championships at both Florida and Ohio State, Meyer now seems quite comfortable wearing his analyst hat these days.

He recently made a bold declaration that caused quite a stir in the college football world.

Meyer stated his opinion that Ohio State wide receiver Marvin Harrison Jr. is the “number one, best player in America.”

Harrison Jr. certainly gave credence to Meyer’s endorsement with an exceptional performance in the Buckeyes latest game against Maryland on Saturday.

The legendary Hall of Famer’s son hauled in eight catches for a whopping 163 yards and a touchdown.

Of course, Harrison Jr. is no stranger to these debates … And there is undoubtedly many college football fans, analyst, players and coaches that agree with Meyer that he is the best overall player in the country. 

Harrison Jr. has consistently displayed remarkable talent and game-changing abilities … His speed, route-running precision, and ability to make big plays have made him a standout player and a household name across the nation. 

Harrison Jr. of course comes from a lineage of football greatness, as the son of legendary NFL wide receiver Marvin Harrison.

There’s growing speculation that he could be a top-two pick in the highly anticipated 2024 NFL Draft if he decides to enter. 

There are many great players in college football.

Do you agree with Meyer that Harrison Jr. is THE best?

If not, who do you think is???


