Upon Further Review: Andy Reid Quickly Backtracks On Absurd Kadarius Toney Defense … Should He Be Fined??

Chiefs head coach Andy Reid was in rare form following Kansas City’s heartbreaking 20-17 loss to the Buffalo Bills at Arrowhead on Sunday.

Reid, who usually never criticizes the officials, went hard after the refs for the offsides call against wide receiver Kadarius Toney on the miraculous would-be touchdown play in the final minutes. 

Reid called the penalty “a bit embarrassing” for the league.

What Reid (and quarterback Patrick Mahomes) didn’t realize however was that the call was 1,000% correct.

In a season that’s featured so much horrific officiating, this was one time where the refs got a call right. 

Reid was most annoyed that the officials didn’t give a warning, like they tend to do when it comes to an offensive player lining up offsides. 

“I’ve been doing this a long time. This isn’t an excuse. It’s a working relationship. That part is so important in this thing. You see it on both sides. You give the head coach a heads up. That’s what I was really trying to get across,” Reid said after the game. 

However, the whole “warning” complain goes out the window when your player lines up a MILE offsides – which is exactly what Toney inexplicably did. 

Come Monday, Reid had changed his tune and seemed to come to the realization of the situation the officials were in … More specifically, the situation that Toney PUT them in. 

It’s customary for receivers to “check” with the refs when they get lined up to assure that their onsides … Reid admitted that Toney failed to do that.

“Do we need to line up right? Yeah. We can’t put it in the officials’ hands,” Reid said Monday. 

As far as Toney goes, his mindboggling error was just the latest in a long line of mistakes he’s made in his short career. 

Between all of the mental mistakes and durability issues to go along with his constant drops, you have to wonder how many more chances he’s going to get on an NFL field. 

The loss was a significant one, dropping Kansas City to 8-5 on the season.

They have never had to play a road playoff game in Mahomes’ career – but that streak may be coming to an end as we near January. 

What is your take on Toney’s boneheaded mistake and all the madness that followed?

Should Reid and Mahomes be fined for their harsh criticism of the refs?

Even though they got it right in this instance, this situation shouldn’t overshadow the fact that the NFL does have an officiating problem.

I think we all agree that officiating needs to improve across the board … The consistency is nowhere where it needs to be.

What should Roger Goodell and the league do to fix the issue???

