Travis Hunter Becomes Best Friends With The Colorado State Player Who Lacerated His Liver

One of the biggest stories of the college football season thus far was the massive hit that Colorado State defensive back Henry Blackburn laid on Colorado star Travis Hunter.

The hit sent Hunter to the hospital with a lacerated liver. Meanwhile, Blackburn received death threats for the hit which many perceived as late and dirty.  

That Rams-Buffs game was the most physical of the 2023 season thus far – filled with trash talk and big hits.

As Hunter continues to recover, if you thought he’d hold a grudge against Blackburn, you’d be wrong.

Hunter invited Blackburn to Boulder for a bowling match. The encounter was recorded and shared on Hunter’s YouTube channel, where it quickly went viral. 

Hunter and Blackburn initiated communication through social media shortly after the game, and their connection was facilitated by Colorado State defensive back Ron Hardge III, whose brother plays for Colorado.

This eventually led to their face-to-face meeting in Boulder, as showcased in the YouTube video.

During their bowling match, both players contributed $1,000, with the winner selecting a charity to receive the proceeds.

Hunter emerged victorious but graciously allowed Blackburn to choose the recipient, and he selected Realities For Children – an organization that focuses on helping abused and at-risk children.

In the video, Hunter emphasized the positive message behind their encounter, stating: “For the people that love to see the negativity, this ain’t a negative video, man. It’s straight positive. There’s nothing but positivity this way.”

He went on to describe the incident as a “blessing” and an opportunity to showcase the other side of football.

Hunter continued: “Football’s just a game at the end of the day, and we’re the people that play it. We’re going to get hurt eventually … This video is something good. Us coming together is something good that came out of that injury and that football game.”

In response, Blackburn said: “you know I never meant to hurt you,” and commended Hunter for his mature handling of the situation.

During their meeting, the players also discussed their shared faith, Hunter’s dual role as an offensive and defensive player, and their plans for life after football … Hunter revealed his ambition to become a professional fisherman.

Credit to Hunter for showing outstanding sportsmanship and maturity.

He won’t be playing in Colorado’s game against #8 USC tomorrow – but is expected to return to the Buffs soon.

