Stephen A. Smith Sparks Outrage With His “Top 5 Sports Cities” List

ESPN’s Stephen A. Smith has ignited a heated debate among sports fans by revealing his ranking of the top five American sports cities.

During a recent episode of First Take, Smith unveiled his controversial picks…

#5. Houston

#4. Philadelphia

#3. New York

#2. Chicago

#1. Boston

While Boston’s placement at the top is widely accepted, given the city’s impressive track record across all major sports since the turn of the century, the rest of Smith’s list has left many fans puzzled.

While Smith’s first four cities are all well-known for their passionate fan bases, the inclusion of Houston at the #5 spot has shocked some fans.

That’s nothing against Houston, but you can certainly make the argument for at least a handful of other cities.

We all know Stephen A. loves to stir the pot, so it’s safe to assume his list done in strategic fashion.

Needless to say, there was plenty of heated reaction on social media…

“What is this show format?? … Guessed all of them except Houston. Wtf is that pick. #1 is Cleveland as we all know.”

“SAS knows leaving LA off the list will get max engagement.”

“Boston sports have been dominate for god knows how long. The people of Boston love other Boston teams just cuz they’re from Boston. This isn’t even a debate.”

“Philly @ 4 is criminal. Top 3. And Chicago in the top 3 is also criminal. Boston, NY, Philly, LA are the top sports cities, just don’t know what order lol.”

“Bruh how do you rank Houston over Los Angeles??”

What are your thoughts on Smith’s rankings?

What did he get right? … What did he get wrong?

What does YOUR top 5 list look like???
