Should The Disastrous Mets Trade Justin Verlander (& Others)??

The New York Met’ highly anticipated spending spree during the offseason has not yielded the expected results on the field.

As a matter of fact, the Amazin’s have to be considered the most disappointing team in all of baseball. The season has been nothing short of a nightmare.

All of this begs the question – will the Mets be sellers at the trade deadline?

One of their key, high-priced players who has struggled is pitcher Justin Verlander, the former Cy Young winner.

Despite the speculation surrounding a potential trade ahead of the looming August 1st deadline, Verlander remains committed to the club and optimistic about their chances of turning things around.

With the Mets holding a disappointing 44-50 record, their playoff hopes are fading fast.

However, Verlander, who was expected to be a linchpin in their quest for contention, assured fans that he is still determined to bring a championship to New York.

“I remain committed to trying to win a championship here,” Verlander stated, expressing his dedication and commitment to turning New York’s fortunes around.

The 2023 season has been a rough one for Verlander, who enjoyed a phenomenal 2022 campaign when he clinched his third Cy Young Award. The Mets struggles this year have been numerous, but the veteran pitcher remains optimistic about the team’s future.

“Just because we’re not in the position that everyone – including myself – thought we would be in doesn’t mean I still don’t believe,” Verlander affirmed when asked about his belief in the Mets ability to win..

“I came here to win a championship. Look, nobody, including myself, is giving up on this season.”

Despite the team’s current position, Verlander acknowledged that he’s taking a longer view of success with the Mets. He recognized that the disappointment of the current season will play a significant role in shaping the team’s future strategies and developments.

“You have to have a long lens,” Verlander emphasized, urging for patience and understanding of the bigger picture. “Everyone wants the immediate satisfaction of now, now, now.”

“I didn’t sign a one-year deal. So, whether it happens this year or not, I think I’ve been able to at least help some guys and see some things that we can adapt or change a little bit just from my experience in the game and being with Houston, and hopefully all these things add up and it helps.”

The Mets’ front office, while facing mounting pressure as the trade deadline approaches, appears to be reluctant to part ways with their star acquisition just yet. Verlander’s two-year deal worth almost $87 million makes finding a suitable trade partner challenging, especially given his current performance.

While the Mets are still not entirely out of playoff contention, a remarkable winning streak would be needed to revive their postseason hopes. 

Do you agree the Mets are the most disappointing team in all of baseball?

Who has been worse – Verlander or Max Scherzer?

Should Steve Cohen and company ship out their star pieces?

Or do you think they have a legitimate chance to make a miraculous playoff run?

