REPORT: Prominent Insider Says It’s A Virtual LOCK That Kirk Cousins Signs With THIS Team … Would He Make Them Super Bowl Contenders??

NFL free agency is almost upon us, and it looks like it will be as crazy as ever.

The top quarterback who will soon be up for grabs is four-time Pro Bowler Kirk Cousins.

Of course, there is a chance he somehow remains in Minnesota. However, the likelihood of that happening is becoming smaller by the day.

With the majority of attention being swallowed up by the Justin Fields drama in Chicago, it’s no surprise that Cousins’ impending free agency would be flying under the radar.

After all, Cousins is arguably the most underrated player in the entire NFL.

While far from perfect, he’s a whole lot better than what most people give him credit for. To think he’s not capable of winning the Super Bowl, if in the right situation, would be foolish.

As for what team is most interested in snagging him later this month, one club has quickly emerged as the favorites … And the interest is reported to be very much mutual.

According to Mike Florio of Pro Football Talk, the Atlanta Falcons are expected to sign Cousins.

“We can’t get into the specifics, for now. But we’re getting very credible indications that Cousins is seriously considering moving his family to Atlanta. Which would mean, obviously, that he’d be signing with the Falcons,” Florio reported.

“The Falcons have always been the top alternative to the Vikings for Cousins, who becomes an unrestricted free agent next Wednesday. And for good reason. His wife, Julie, grew up in nearby Alpharetta, Georgia. Her parents still live there.”

“The Vikings have, by all appearances, decided they want to keep Cousins, but only at their price. They seem to think he won’t get a better offer elsewhere. If he does, they seem to be content to let him go,” Florio added.

The soon-to-be 36-year-old Cousins carries some risk due to his recent season-ending Achilles injury.

However, as evidence by recent workout videos, he is well on his way towards getting back to 100%.

For anyone who watched Netflix’s “Quarterback” series last year, you know it would be foolish to count Cousins out.

As we know, he will leave no stone unturned in his recovery. He will work as hard as he can to get back to an elite level. (Yes, “elite.”)

As strange as it will be to not see Cousins wearing Vikings purple, it seems like a change would be welcomed by both sides.

The Falcons are not as far off as what some people think. They have some solid pieces in place, and it’s really been the quarterback position which has held them back in the post-Matt Ryan era.

As weak as the NFC South is, it’s hard to imagine a Cousins-led Falcons team not immediately contending for the division crown.

What are your thoughts on Cousins possibly signing with Atlanta?

Do you think it would be a good fit?

What type of contract do you think he is deserving of?

Are you in the camp that I am when it comes to Cousins? … Or are you of the belief that he’s nothing but a choke artist, especially when the lights are bright???

