Report: NFL Team Owner Faces Accusations Of Interfering With His Team, Including Attempting To Call Plays

In the world of NFL team ownership, the desire to win is paramount, and owners often seek ways to maximize their investments. Carolina Panthers owner David Tepper is no exception, but he takes his hands-on approach to a whole new level.

According to reports from Benjamin Allbright, Tepper, a 66-year-old billionaire, has gained notoriety for his involvement in team matters, occasionally going as far as attempting to call plays. One instance involved Tepper handing his offensive coordinator a piece of paper mid-week, suggesting a play he’d seen another team run and wanting it implemented in the upcoming Sunday game—a rather unconventional move.

While it’s not uncommon for team owners to be actively engaged in their franchises, it raises questions when they start micromanaging the coaching staff’s decisions. Tepper’s reported net worth of $20.6 billion attests to his business acumen, but in football, there’s a fine line between involvement and interference.

Tepper recently made headlines by firing head coach Frank Reich on Monday, leaving him in search of a new coaching leader for the Panthers. As he navigates the coaching carousel, it remains to be seen how his hands-on approach will impact the team’s future.
