Raiders’ Mark Davis Humorously Acknowledges His Coaching Hire Struggles

As the 2023 regular NFL season approaches its conclusion within the next month, Mark Davis is gearing up to make significant changes within the Las Vegas Raiders’ coaching and management ranks. The Raiders have been yearning for the kind of success and consistency they haven’t tasted in over two decades, a period stretching back to their divisional triumphs from 2000 to 2002.

One of the primary factors behind their lack of success has been the recurring struggle to find the right head coach. Owner Mark Davis, while acknowledging his previous decisions haven’t always panned out as desired, appears to be aware of his shortcomings in this regard.

“I’m getting good at it,” Davis remarked with a knowing smile when questioned about the upcoming coaching hire. “You’ve got to get it right. You’ve got to get the whole structure right, so that everybody’s working together. The left hand has to know what the right hand is doing. That’s the goal: to start with getting people with an unwavering passion for football and individuals unafraid to put in the work. It’s not a 9-to-5 job; it’s an eight-days-a-week job,” he expressed, as reported by The Athletic’s Tashan Reed.

Mark Davis has witnessed four different head coaches at the helm of the Raiders since taking over the team after his father, the late Al Davis, passed away. The reigns of Dennis Allen, Jack Del Rio, Jon Gruden, and Josh McDaniels have collectively resulted in just two playoff appearances and a failure to secure the division. Davis is fully aware of the pressing need for improved outcomes, which is precisely why he made the decision to part ways with Josh McDaniels after less than two seasons with the franchise.

“We’re striving to build something,” Davis emphasized. “I want to exercise patience, but I also understand that when I make a mistake, I’d rather address it. I can’t let it linger. I’ve got to address it immediately. It’s a tough thing to do because it affects people with families and lives. Making changes is the most challenging part, but there are so many other individuals reliant on you to make the right decision,” he concluded.
