Prominent CFB Voice Says He Will “Refuse To Recognize Michigan As The National Champs”

In the wake of Michigan’s decision to drop the pending litigation against the Big Ten regarding the sign-stealing investigation, ESPN’s Paul Finebaum is not pulling any punches in his criticism of the Wolverines and their head coach, Jim Harbaugh.

Finebaum, known for his candid and outspoken commentary, took to the airwaves during an appearance on the Dan Patrick Show to express his views on the situation.

He asserted that, regardless of whether Harbaugh directly ordered the alleged wrongdoing, he remains accountable under NCAA rules.

“They did something wrong, whether Harbaugh ordered it or not he’s responsible. That’s what the rulebook says whether you like the rules of the NCAA or not – and I don’t,” Finebaum said. 

“If Jim Harbaugh had just agreed to dismiss these Level II allegations during COVID, it would be over. But he wouldn’t … He just wouldn’t admit to doing anything,” he added. 

Finebaum went on to reference the opinions of other coaches who, according to him, believe that Michigan gained a significant advantage from the alleged sign-stealing saga.

“I think all these other coaches chiming in … They all believe – the ones I hear from – that Harbaugh gained not a slight advantage but a significant advantage,” he said. 

When asked by Patrick about Michigan’s legitimacy as a potential national champion this season, Finebaum expressed doubt.

He declared that he would “refuse” to recognize the Wolverines as the national champions if they were to win it all in 2023, emphasizing his belief in fair play and an even playing field.

“I will refuse to recognize Michigan as the National Champs … I was taught that athletics should be an even playing field, and to me, they are not subscribing to that,” Finebaum declared.

What do you make of Finebaum’s take?

Do you agree with him?

If Michigan wins the national title, would it be tainted???

