Player Fined $50,000 For Alleged Fake Concussion

The NFL found itself in a peculiar situation when it opted to fine a player $50,000 for self-reporting a concussion, accusing him of feigning the head injury. In a column for the NFLPA titled ‘Why The NFL On-Field Fine System Is Not Fine,’ NFL Players Association President JC Tretter shed light on the incident.

According to Tretter, an unnamed player, despite receiving clearance from the team’s medical staff for a head injury evaluation, was accused of faking a concussion. The player adhered to the standard procedure, missing several snaps, only to be slapped with a hefty fine by the NFL.

After an appeal, the league reconsidered its stance and rescinded the penalty. Tretter raised concerns about the fine, emphasizing that players are encouraged to self-report injuries for their safety, yet they faced punishment for following the league-established protocol.

In the end, the NFL rectified its decision by rescinding the fine, averting a potential PR crisis that could have arisen had they upheld the penalty.
