Notorious Dallas Hater Admits The Cowboys “Feel Different This Season” … Are The Boys Super Bowl Favorites?!?

ESPN’s Stephen A. Smith, known for his unabashed disdain for the Dallas Cowboys, had to make an admission on Monday regarding the Boys impressive play as of late.

Despite being notorious for his outright animosity towards “America’s Team,” Smith couldn’t deny that things seem to be different in Dallas this season.

At 10-3, these Cowboys don’t seem like your “typical” Cowboys team.

“In fairness to the Cowboys…it does feel different,” Smith said following Dallas’ 33-13 domination of the rival Philadelphia Eagles.

Smith gave credit where it was due, emphasizing that, for now, no team is outshining the Cowboys – other than the San Francisco 49ers of course.

“When I look at the Dallas Cowboys, I see one team standing in their path – the San Francisco 49ers,” Smith said. 

Although, that doesn’t take away any credit from the dominant stretch Dallas is putting together. 

“I’ve been consistent about my feelings towards the Cowboys … But you’ve got to be fair. The way they’re playing this season is hard to ignore. It’s a different vibe, a different energy,” he said. 

You’ll have to forgive Cowboy fans who are too used to Stephen A. hating on their team, however…

What are your thoughts on this Dallas team?

Are these Boys indeed different???

Where do you rank the Cowboys among the top Super Bowl contenders in the NFL?

Do they have enough to beat the Niners should they meet in January???

