NASTY REACTION!!: Prestigious Club Adds DANCE TEAM For 2024 Season & Immediately Gets BLASTED By Old-School Fans … Whose Side Are You On??

Steve Cohen’s tenure as owner of the New York Mets hasn’t exactly gone as plan.

Cohen, one of the richest men in the entire world, came into baseball talking a big game and bringing with him sky-high expectations.

Coming off the nightmare ownership of the notoriously cheap Wilpon family, you can’t blame Mets fans for being excited about having somebody as rich, smart and aggressive as Cohen taking over the franchise.

After all, Bobby freaking Axelrod from “Billions” is based on Steve Cohen for crying out loud … How could you not be excited about that?!?

Unfortunately for Mets fans, many of Cohen’s aggressive decisions have not only not paid off – they’ve flat-out blown up in their faces.

Following an uneventful offseason, Mets fans were relegated to a familiar place of negativity and hopelessness.

In many ways, it seems like the Mets are forfeiting the 2024 season and will in-turn start to think about how to build a sustained winner in the future.

The hiring of David Stearns is certainly a smart move, on paper at least.

However, it projects to be another quiet October in Queens this coming fall.

Perhaps this is why Cohen decided to start up a brand-new tradition: The New York Mets Dance Team!

You know what they say – Keep the people happy/distracted with “entertainment” and they won’t rebel.

Maybe this is a page out of that Roman playbook…

Dance teams may be a thing in basketball, but it’s extremely rare to see them in baseball.

As a matter of fact, the only other Major League clubs that have dance teams are the Atlanta Braves, Houston Astros and Miami Marlins.

With respect to the strength and success of the Braves and Astros (sorry Miami), none of those three organizations scream prestige or history.

You can certainly make the (strong) argument that neither do the Mets.

However, true Mets fans are just about as old-school as they get … They know baseball. And they know that the “show” on the field is the only thing that matters.

In other words, a dance team is looked upon as bush league … Period.

Unsurprisingly, the news of the dance team pissed off a lot of die-hard Mets fans.

One X user in particular struck a nerve with Cohen.

“This is baseball… this isn’t the NBA or NFL. There’s no halftime in this game. I don’t see how a dance team is necessary?” (Yankees fan) Charlotte stated on X.

Cohen, like the man of the people he is, addressed Charlotte directly, sarcastically replying: “Excellent point. I forgot how serious baseball is relative to other sports.”

He may have been dismissive, but at least Cohen deserves a little credit for defending his decision publicly. (Many other owners could take note.)

In fairness, you can’t kill Cohen for trying to improve the entertainment factor in the Citi Field experience.

He’s thinking outside of the box … Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn’t. But at least he’s taking a shot.

The dance team will be known as “The Queens Crew,” and will consist of 19 co-ed members.

They will perform in-between innings, often in the aisles of the stadium, and will feature routines such as the always-popular T-shirt toss.

Vice President of Brand Marketing Trisha Donlin acknowledged the mixed reactions which is something the organization expected.

“Of course, you’re going to have long-standing fans that don’t want change,” Donlin stated. “But we’re really optimistic that people are going to embrace this because the talent is really undeniable. This team sucks you in in a big way.”

“It’s going to rally the crowd in a big way … I think fans will see what we see,” she concluded.

What are your thoughts on the Mets starting up a dance team?

Are you of the old-school belief that such a thing has no place in baseball?

Or do you welcome the change and think it will be a fun boost in entertainment?

At the end of the day, is the “dance team” just a ploy to try and distract Mets fans from the fact that Cohen didn’t do anything to improve the actual team this offseason???