Mets Owner Steve Cohen Tells Cheapskates To Stick It!

Steve Cohen is no stranger to having enemies in the financial world.

That’s par for the course when you’re on the path to becoming a billionaire (or so I’ve heard).

But you can now add some of his fellow baseball owners to his enemy list.

Cohen makes absolutely no apologies for his willingness to spend an astronomical amount of money on his baseball team, all in the pursuit of World Series glory.

Unfortunately, some owners don’t feel the same and much rather pocket their profits instead of investing in their franchise the way “Uncle Steve” does.

The Mets enter the 2023 season with a payroll of $364 million, by far the highest in baseball (and would’ve been around $390 million had the Carlos Correa deal went through).

Of course, that’s chump change to Cohen who is worth an estimated $17.5 billion.

One thing is for sure – Mets fans absolutely love him and his unapologetic approach to fielding the best team he possibly can.

Others could certainly learn a thing or two from Uncle Steve…

