John Harbaugh Emotionally Defends Brother As Suspension Ruling Becomes Official

It’s no secret it’s been a rough few weeks for Michigan head coach Jim Harbaugh.

We now know that he’s accepted the three-game suspension that had been looming over him. He will miss tomorrow’s game against Maryland as well as next week’s showdown against the rival Ohio State Buckeyes. 

Harbaugh and the entire university took great offense to the accusations that he was aware of the sign-stealing scheme that was allegedly taking place.

Outside of Ann Arbor, no one seemed as angry or offended than Jim’s brother, John.

Of course John is the head coach of the Baltimore Ravens. He recently spoke about the whole messy situation concerning his brother. 

“I have a lot of opinions on it, obviously. I’m his brother, and I’m proud as heck of him. I’m really impressed with the way he’s handled himself through all this,” Harbaugh said. 

He also said that he’s been in regular communication with his brother: “I’ve talked to Jim quite a bit,” he said.

Regarding the allegations surrounding Jim’s potential involvement in the sign-stealing scheme, John asserted: “I don’t know what they’re trying to get, but they don’t have anything of substance.”

He further disclosed that his brother’s personal devices, including phones and computers, have been subjected to scrutiny as part of the investigation.

“His phones, his computers and all that stuff have been looked at. He’s come through this thing with flying colors,” Harbaugh affirmed.

“He’s a great man. He’s a great coach. His players love him, his coaches love him, and he stands tall through all of this,” Harbaugh proudly said of his brother. 

At the end of the day, Jim will serve his suspension, although he stands by his claim that he had no knowledge of the sign-stealing or any illegal activity.

What is your take on the whole situation?

Do you think the resolution is fitting? … If not, what should have happened???

