High School Recruits On Official Visits Linked to Theft in Colorado’s Locker Room At The Rose Bowl

In a strange turn of events at the Rose Bowl on October 28, chaos ensued following Colorado’s 28-16 loss to UCLA. After the game, numerous Colorado Buffaloes players discovered that their jewelry had vanished from the visiting locker room. The mystery surrounding the thieves was unraveled on Sunday when Pasadena Police confirmed that the culprits were high school recruits on an official visit to UCLA.

According to the Pasadena Police statement, these high schoolers allegedly pilfered thousands of dollars worth of valuables, including jewelry, headphones, and cash, from both locker rooms. The suspects, whose names remain undisclosed, are believed to be students at Beaumont High School in Riverside County.

Pasadena Police detectives, confirming an initial report by The Coach JB Show, have shed light on the situation. While some stolen items belonging to Colorado Buffaloes players and staff have been recovered and returned, the investigation into the robbery is ongoing.

The audacity of these recruits raises eyebrows, considering the spotlight on UCLA’s football program and its extensive media coverage. Engaging in theft during an official campus visit, where every move is scrutinized, seems like a bizarre decision. One might question the wisdom of targeting a high-profile program with numerous media channels. All things considered, this incident ranks among the most ill-conceived robberies in recent memory, leaving these young individuals practically begging to be caught.
