HERE Is What Your Team’s Players REALLY Think Of Your Head Coach & Owner … Will The Harsh Criticism Prevent You From Attracting Free Agents??

The NFLPA has released their highly-anticipated “report card” which showcases what players truly think of the organization they play for.

The survey includes the assessment of over 1,700 players across the league, which is a much stronger sample size than the inaugural report card last year.

“Over 1,700 of our players provided information to share with one another about their current club, not only to help them make important career decisions, but also help raise standards across the league,” stated the NFLPA in a press release.

“The standards we are seeking to elevate are ones that help support the players and their families as they come to work every day.”

Among the notable findings, only three NFL head coaches received an A+ grade from the players: Andy Reid of the Kansas City Chiefs, Dan Campbell of the Detroit Lions, and Kevin O’Connell of the Minnesota Vikings.

Reid and Campbell’s inclusion comes as little surprise, given their outstanding reputations across the league, and certainly in their locker rooms.

Reid is one of the most respected and beloved coaches in NFL history. Fresh off winning back-to-back Super Bowls, you’d be hard-pressed to find many (if any) players who don’t speak extremely highly of him. 

Meanwhile, Campbell may not have the success of Reid just yet, but he has completely changed the culture in Detroit – something that was once thought impossible.

The inclusion of O’Connell is an impressive feather in the cap for the young coach who often flies under the radar when many people think of the stronger coaches in the league.

On the other hand, two names probably immediately popped in your head when you think of who the worst graded coach in the league is.

Keep in mind, even fired coaches count … Therefore, it’s got to be down between (former) Las Vegas Raiders head coach Josh McDaniels and (former) Los Angeles Chargers head coach Brandon Staley.

Both were equally awful – but only one seemed to be universally despised by every player in the locker room…

That’s right, it’s none other than McDaniels who finished with a D grade.

Having said that, it’s not unfair to say that McDaniels didn’t get the best of shakes in Vegas.

His old-school ways may have rubbed a lot of players the wrong way – but that’s not necessarily McDaniels’ fault.

Some coaches may be brilliant coordinators who just aren’t cut out to be HEAD coaches … We see it all the time.

That may very well be the case with McDaniels. He’s now failed twice in the league as a head coach. However, no one would ever question or doubt his impact as an offensive coordinator.

That’s a position he will most likely find himself back in sooner rather than later (perhaps with whatever team Bill Belichick ends up with).

The biggest surprise to emerge from the report card was the fact that Kansas City Chiefs owner Clark Hunt was ranked as the WORST owner in all of football, finishing with an “F-” (!!!) grade.

Owning a team that’s won three Super Bowls in five years, including in back-to-back seasons, has to mean you’re doing SOMETHING right, doesn’t it?

The disgraceful ranking is apparently due to the fact that Chiefs players are unhappy with Hunt’s alleged reluctance to invest back into the team, particularly when it comes to their facilities.

“The number one complaint when it comes to the facilities is the locker room. Though the players received actual chairs with backs to sit in at their lockers in response to last year’s feedback, it did not change the fact that the locker room is overdue for a renovation,” the report stated.

“What adds to the frustration is that management told the players that renovations would come after the 2022 season. The players went on to win the Super Bowl and when they arrived back at their facility for the 2023-2024 season, they realized the team never followed through with the promised renovation (other than adding chairs).”

But the criticism doesn’t stop there…

“The players feel that the training room is significantly understaffed, with only 43% of the team responding that they get an adequate amount of one-on-one treatment time,” the report read.

“Players feel that the staff is unwilling to provide the necessary treatment to support recovery and performance; for example, players are not allowed to get preventative treatment (soft tissue work, other care) for soreness and day-to-day issues, a regular offering across the NFL.”

“From the results, it is clear that there has not been a significant reinvestment back into the facilities even after consistent success,” the report added. “That has led to a high level of frustration among player respondents and reflects in club owner Clark Hunt’s ranking as the least willing to invest in team facilities among all NFL owners/ownership group in the opinions of the respondents.”

Now, it makes more sense!

Here are all the details on the much-anticipated report card…

What are your overall thoughts on the report card?

Where did your team rank?

Are you worried that less-than-stellar grades in certain areas will hurt your team’s ability to attract high-quality free agents???

