Hall Of Famer Reveals The Moment He Knew Johnny Manziel Was A Nightmare

Johnny Manziel’s turbulent NFL journey, which failed to live up to the college hype he garnered as a Heisman Trophy winner, was predicted by one of his former teammates.

Hall of Famer Joe Thomas, widely regarded as one of the greatest offensive lineman in NFL history, saw signs early on that “Johnny Football” was not cut out for the world of big-boy professional football.

Drafted by the Cleveland Browns with the 22nd pick in the 2014 draft, Manziel’s notorious partying habits immediately drew worry as Cleveland quickly found out that his partying ways were not going to quiet down.

Appearing on The Dan Patrick Show, Thomas spoke about what he saw first-hand with Manziel and how he knew his NFL career wasn’t going to end pretty.

“He’d come to Cleveland. He was there for like a day. He was at practice, and then he just disappeared. And I think he was just on a bender somewhere in Cleveland partying and he couldn’t find his way back to the facility.”

Thomas expressed his concerns about Manziel’s commitment and dedication to the sport, recalling: “We may have some problems with this young rookie here if he can’t even find his way during OTAs when he’s a rookie and he should be trying to put his best foot forward.”

Reflecting on the past, Thomas admitted he hasn’t watched the recently released Netflix documentary, “Untold: Johnny Football.”

“I’m a little conflicted.. I’m a little bit torn,” he stated, emphasizing that the memories of their shared experiences are still quite raw.

In the documentary, Manziel candidly admitted his struggles in the NFL, revealing that he watched “zero” film and quickly realized his unhappiness with the Browns.

“I had every single thing that I could have ever wanted. You have money. You have fame. You’re a first-round draft pick battling for a starting quarterback position. And when I got everything that I wanted, I think I was the most empty that I’ve ever felt inside,” Manziel said in the documentary.

“I would sit in my condo in Cleveland downtown and just feel like it was the only place that I could get away from everybody and anything. And I would look out those windows every day, and I just felt empty.”

“I went from one fishbowl city to another, and I wanted nothing to do with football. I wanted nothing to do with stepping on that field. And I had bigger issues in my life than being able to go out and play free-spirited, flowing football.”

Manziel’s tumultuous journey ultimately led to his release from the Browns after missing the team’s final game of the 2015 season due to partying in Las Vegas.

Since then, the former Texas A&M standout has sought opportunities in various football leagues, including the Canadian Football League, the now-defunct American Alliance of Football, and the Fan Controlled Football League.

What are your thoughts on the documentary?

Who do you think is the biggest bust in NFL history?

