Greg McElroy: “It Took Me 10 Years” To Get Over 2010 Loss To Cam Newton & Auburn

Former Alabama quarterback Greg McElroy has made a flawless transition to the broadcasting world and has become one of the premier college football analysts in the country. 

Despite staying busy on ESPN, he admitted that certain low points during his playing career still haunt him. 

One of the bigger ones was the Crimson Tide’s heartbreaking loss to Cam Newton and the rival Auburn Tigers back in the 2010 Iron Bowl.

Speaking in an interview with Connor O’Gara, McElroy shared the challenges he faced in coming to terms with the devastating defeat that saw the Tigers pull off an incredible comeback.

On that fateful afternoon, McElroy led Alabama to a commanding 24-0 first-half lead. However, Newton (who would later win the Heisman Trophy) orchestrated a remarkable comeback for the Tigers.

The Tigers eventually won the game in dramatic fashion. The 28-27 comeback victory that has since been immortalized as the “Camback.”

Reflecting on the painful memory, McElroy revealed: “I’m kind of over it now. It took me probably 10 years though. If I’m going to be completely honest, like it took me 10 years to not be bothered by how that game ultimately went.. Maybe not quite that long but it was a while. And it’s still painful, but there’s nothing that can be done about it now.”

It’s admirable that the loss tortured McElory that much. It just shows how much he cared, and still cares, which is exactly what you want to see. 

The Iron Bowl has given us quite a few classics over the years. Yes, Alabama has largely dominated the series – but the rivalry tends to bring out the best in Auburn, and 2010 was certainly a prime example. 

While the pain of that unforgettable Iron Bowl loss will always linger, it’s just another reminder what makes rivalries, especially that one, so great. 

Knowing that Nick Saban won’t be around forever (or maybe he will?), who do you think will win more head-to-head matchups over the next 10 years – Auburn or Alabama?

