Former Yankees Prospect DESTROYS Franchise: Too Analytical With “NO Baseball Being Taught”

In a recent episode of the “Foul Territory” podcast, former New York Yankees prospect Ben Ruta voiced sharp criticism of the organization’s heavy reliance on analytics and offered a prediction about the impending shakeup of the team’s minor league coaching staff.

Ruta, who was part of the Yankees organization from 2016 to 2021, expressed his concerns during the podcast, particularly regarding the team’s minor league staff and General Manager Brian Cashman’s approach to analytics.

“Fully expect them to clear house in the minor leagues, all the coaches were brought in by [former hitting coach] Dillon Lawson and the analytics guys,” podcast host Scott Braun quoted Ruta.

“They will change developmental culture back to old Yankees days. Keep in mind, I played in the Yanks’ org before analytics (2016-2018) and then after (2018-2020). Stark difference in developments.”

Ruta further elaborated on his critique, highlighting a game called ‘pitchers vs hitters,’ in which players could only score points by either walking or hitting a ball at a speed of 95 mph or higher.

Ruta argued that this approach neglected fundamental baseball skills like baserunning, moving runners, and overall game strategy.

The former prospect took his concerns to social media, stating that he wasn’t against the use of analytics but emphasized the importance of striking a balance between analytics and teaching fundamental baseball skills.

“I do believe there is a place in the game for analytics,” Ruta wrote on X (formerly known as Twitter). “It needs to be a healthy mix. The strategy of running an org like this is just dumb.”

Ruta called for a more integrated approach: “Just have analytics and teach baseball. Have resources and voices for players to fall back on in both departments. Is it that hard?”

Responding to criticisms that he might be frustrated about not making it to the majors during his time in the minors, Ruta denied the accusation. Over his five seasons in minor league baseball, Ruta posted a batting average of .253 with 24 home runs.

The Yankees, currently struggling with a 60-61 record, are 6 ½ games behind an AL wild-card spot this season. The team’s underperformance has intensified scrutiny and speculation about their future, prompting a closer examination of their analytics-driven developmental approach which angers fans to no end. 

What do you think of Ruta’s comments?

Are analytics too big a part of baseball? (I’ll answer that question for you, HELL YES, they are!)

