Former All-Pro Is Extremely Worried About Dak Prescott: Is He Permanently Broken??

One of the biggest topics, if not the biggest, entering the Dallas Cowboys 2023 season is Dak Prescott’s turnover problem.

Despite trying to improve on the issue, Prescott continues to throw sloppy interceptions during training camp practices. 

Former All-Pro running back LeSean McCoy was quick to voice his concerns about Prescott’s performance, particularly in light of his previous struggles with interceptions.

Prescott led the NFL last year with 15 interceptions. McCoy, speaking on Fox Sports’ “Speak,” didn’t hold back his worries, stating: “You’re supposed to get better each year. And if one of your deficiencies was turning the ball over, going into this year you probably shouldn’t. You probably should focus on, ‘I’m going to protect the ball as best as possible.'”

McCoy’s remarks reflect the high expectations that accompanied Prescott into this training camp. Many had hoped that Prescott would have made strides in addressing his turnover issues, but his recent display on the practice field has ignited concerns about his ability to do so.

“It makes me wary,” McCoy added, alluding to the implications of Prescott’s subpar performance considering his track record.

While some are inclined to see Diggs’ exceptional performance as a positive sign for the Cowboys defense, Prescott’s struggles cannot be overlooked.

Despite his past successes and leadership on the field, Prescott’s recent performance has cast a shadow of doubt over his ability to effectively manage interceptions.

It’s worth noting that Prescott still has time to rectify these issues before the start of the regular season. Cowboys fans are undoubtedly hoping that the interception-heavy practices are merely a blip on the radar, and that Prescott will be able to overcome the issue.

Until then, however, lingering concerns among fans and analysts, such as McCoy, will continue.

Should the Cowboys be worried about Prescott?

Will he be able to fix his turnover problem?

