Dodgers Shredded For Adopting Extremely NSFW Nickname … What The Hell Were They Thinking?!?

In one of the more interesting stories of the week, the Single-A affiliate of the Los Angeles Dodgers unwittingly adopted a controversial nickname for themselves that unfortunately made national headlines. 

The Rancho Cucamonga Quakes, in a bid to pay homage to the iconic jackets worn by Mariachi players, announced their intention to become the “Chaquetas” during the forthcoming Copa de la Diversión series.

However, unbeknownst to them, the term “Chaquetas” carries a double entendre, serving as slang for masturbation in certain contexts.

“We were immediately concerned: Have we made an irreversible mistake here?” Quakes Executive Vice President and General Manager Grant Riddle said in a statement to the Los Angeles Times.

“And so we immediately kind of reengaged those groups … and determined rather quickly that none of them were aware of it either. So that was not their immediate, first thought.”

Despite the inadvertent association with the NSFW slang, the team and its stakeholders opted to stand by their decision, citing their original intention of honoring Mariachi culture and the attire associated with it.

“In Southern California, Mariachi music is a treasured art form,” the team reaffirmed in a subsequent announcement, doubling down on their commitment to the name.

The choice of “Chaquetas” also served as a nod to Dodgers pitcher Joe Kelly, a Rancho Cucamonga resident, who has previously sported a black mariachi jacket.

While the Quakes faced a brief period of uncertainty and reevaluation, they ultimately decided to embrace the name, acknowledging its ties to both Mariachi culture and unintentional slang.

“We’re not trying to have any fun with this,” Riddle emphasized, stressing the team’s genuine intentions behind the selection.

The Copa de la Diversión series, known for its celebration of Hispanic culture and values, encourages minor league teams to adopt culturally resonant names for select events.

Previously, the Quakes had adopted the name “Temblores,” meaning “earthquakes.”

What are your thoughts on the unfortunate mix-up?

Do you applaud the organization for sticking with the name and not caving to any outside criticism or pressure?

While on the topic, Minor League Baseball is well-known for interesting team names … What’s the best one you’ve ever seen???

