Brother Of Super Bowl Hero Sentenced To Life In Prison For Murder

Marcus Randle El, the brother of All-Pro Super Bowl champion Antwaan Randle El, has been sentenced to life in prison after being found guilty for murdering two women in 2020.

Antwaan is currently the wide receivers coach for the Detroit Lions – and many remember him for his solid 9 year career spent with Pittsburgh and Washington as a popular and explosive playmaker.  

Marcus played football at the University of Wisconsin but ended up taking a different path than his brother.. Prosecutors in the murder trial stated that he killed 30-year-old Seairaha Winchester because he believed that she was speaking to police about his drug dealing.

He also killed 27-year-old Brittany McAdory for witnessing Winchester’s murder.

“To see my daughter laying there lifeless was heartbreaking,” said Winchester’s mother, Justine Watson. “What was even worse was knowing her daughters have to now go through life without their mother.”

Although a murder weapon was never found, surveillance footage and text messages linking Randle El to the murders which occurred in Janesville, Wisconsin were enough to get a conviction.

During the trial, Antwaan pleaded on his brother’s behalf – “This is not who he (Marcus) is or who we have come to know. All I’m asking judge is to give him (an) opportunity,” he said.

In the end, Rock County Judge Barbara McCrory found Marcus guilty and sentenced him to two consecutive life sentences for the murders.. He will have the opportunity to petition for an early release and extended supervision after 60 years.

