BACK FOR #8??: Tom Brady’s Best Friend Julian Edelman Gives His Brutally Honest Take On The GOAT Returning To The NFL … Do You Believe Him??

Tom Brady just can’t stop making headlines.

Whether it’s his dating life or him posting videos of himself running around shirtless in his backyard, Brady remains as in the spotlight as ever.

He made major headlines with his recent appearance on the “Deep Cuts” podcast, where he admitted that he’d be open to yet another NFL comeback.

When asked if he would consider stepping back onto the field to fill a team’s quarterback void in the event of an injury, the seven-time Super Bowl champion responded with a grin and said, “I’m not opposed to it.”

“I’m always going to be in good shape, always be able to throw the ball. So, to come in for a little bit, like MJ coming back, I don’t know if they’d let me, but I wouldn’t be opposed to it,” Brady added.

But just how serious was he being?

We know how terribly he must miss playing football. There’s nothing he can do that can scratch that competitive itch.

Set to start his 10-year, $375 million (!!!) contract with FOX Sports, Brady may indeed be looking around the league and think he could step on the field today and still be an elite-level quarterback.

It’s also possible that Brady feels a little insecure about the pace that Patrick Mahomes is winning Super Bowls. There’s no doubt he’s very proud of his seven Lombardi’s. The last thing he’d want is for anyone to eclipse that mark.

Whether he’d like to admit it or not, deep down we know he’d like to add an eighth for extra cushion.

Other than maybe Rob Gronkowski, no teammate was ever closer with Brady than his old, trusted receiver Julian Edelman.

The always-reliable Edelman retired a happy man and now hosts a popular podcast called “Games With Names.”

Edelman shared his thoughts on Brady’s comments and gave an honest opinion about the chances he actually unretires for the second time.

“That whole thing with the interview, I saw it. The wording was if someone got hurt late in the season, do you think you can do it? And Tom’s a confident guy. He definitely thinks he can go do it. Is he gonna do it? I don’t think so. Probably not,” Edelman said in an interview with FOX News Digital.

He added that Brady is “in St. Tropez right now.”

Edelman joked that he’s been relentlessly trying to get Brady to come on his podcast as a guest, but his requests have been met with nothing but crickets.

“We have zero connection right now because I keep asking him, ‘Come on “Games With Names. Come on Games With Names. Come on Games With Names.”‘ And he never responds. So, I have no clue,” he said.

Edelman admitted that there might be some truth to the whole Mahomes angle.

“Patrick Mahomes is coming up on him, maybe Tom comes back and sneaks another Super Bowl to separate himself,” he said.

What are your thoughts on Brady’s comments?

Do you think he was just joking around?

Or is he seriously considering making a comeback?

If he does come back, where will it be? … He mentioned the Patriots and Raiders … But how about the Vikings???
