Aaron Boone Feels “Embarrassed” For Ump Blowup But Will Continue To Fight For Yanks

Yankees Manager Aaron Boone was the star of the baseball world two nights ago after he tore into umpire Laz Diaz for a series of blown calls in the Bombers tough loss to the White Sox in Chicago.

Upon reflection, Boone expressed embarrassment regarding his animated confrontation with Diaz. The incident, which resulted in Boone’s ejection, showcased a theatrical display that drew attention and admiration from virtually everyone. 

“I don’t like doing that,” Boone admitted, acknowledging his unease with the spectacle he created. “But I also felt like I needed to fight with what was happening in that game.”

Boone’s fiery argument with Diaz erupted after Anthony Volpe was called out on strikes against reliever Bryan Shaw at the start of the eighth inning. The ejection marked Boone’s sixth of the season, making him the leader in ejections within the American League.

Following the game, Boone had an opportunity to reflect on his actions and their impact. “I felt embarrassed by the way I reacted,” Boone stated. “It’s not the image I want to project as a manager, and it’s not the example I want to set for my team.”

The confrontation took an unexpected turn when Boone sprinted toward home plate, engaging in animated arm-waving theatrics. He then proceeded to bend down and draw a line in the dirt with his finger at the edge of the left-handed batter’s box, visually indicating his perception of the pitch’s location.

Boone also mimicked Diaz’s motion of emphatically calling strike three.

Boone’s actions garnered a mixed response from his fellow managers. “I heard from quite a few of them,” Boone shared. “It was a lot of funny stuff, mostly.”

In light of the incident, Boone disclosed that he had spoken with MLB’s Senior Vice President of On-Field Operations, Mike Hill, on Tuesday. However, he chose not to divulge the specifics of their conversation.

As the Yankees continue their season, Boone’s focus remains on leading the Bombers to the postseason. They are currently 4.5 games back in the AL Wild Card race, and anyone who knows Boone knows that his trademark intensity won’t be waning anytime soon.

What did you think about Boone’s blowup with Diaz?

What is the best manager-umpire fight of all-time?

