REPORT: The NFL Is Considering A Super Bowl In London & Fans Are Absolutely Furious

Very rarely is something as unanimous as the thoughts and opinions were to Adam Schefter’s report that the NFL is considering one day playing the Super Bowl in London.

The NFL is trying to globalize football and have been adding more and more international games.

By all accounts, the spreading of football to countries like England, Germany and Mexico has been enormously successful.

Regular season games are one-thing … But a Super Bowl???

“As the NFL prepares for its third straight Sunday in London, the league already has discussed the idea of one day playing a Super Bowl in the British capital, according to commissioner Roger Goodell,” Schefter reported.

Needless to say, the response from die-hard NFL fans was exactly what you’d expect it to be…

“This is America’s sport. Go tell Europeans the Champs league final will be held in America and see how that goes.”

“I really can’t believe they’re even considering this. It’s bad enough when they take away home games for fans to play overseas during the year – Super Bowl brings money to whatever city it’s played in the NFL football is America’s game. It’s about $$$”

“Is there a single person outside of the NFL executive team that actually like/enjoy the London games?”

“London games are one thing. Even a London team wouldn’t be terrible (if they can figure out the travel). But a game that is the culmination of a football season for teams based in the US being played in another country is something else entirely.”

“The backlash to that would be immense. I doubt that ever comes to fruition.”

“Hell no, keep it in the US.”

“This is a terrible idea. The Super Bowl should be played America.”

“We as Americans don’t stand for this.”

What are your thoughts on the possibility of playing the Super Bowl in Europe???

