“CLOWN!!”: NFL Legend Becomes Latest To Blast “PIG” Bill Belichick For “DISGUSTING” Decision To Date Woman 48-Years Younger Than Him (VIDEO)

As we fight through the muck of the final quiet period of the NFL calendar, we are all thankful that the legendary Bill Belichick has given us a juicy storyline to chew on.

Of course, I’m referring to the stunning revelation that the 72-year-old Belichick is currently dating 24-year-old Jordon Hudson.

Perhaps the relationship is completely pure and genuine. Hopefully it is. But anytime there’s a 48-year age gap, people are going to have plenty to say.

While many are happy for Belichick and think it’s great that he’s together with Hudson, many others find it a little creepy being that the future Hall of Famer is old enough to be her grandfather.

You can count three-time Super Bowl champion Mark Schlereth as one of those who are most critical of Belichick’s decision to enter into a relationship with a woman that much younger than him.

“I think heā€™s a pig,” Schlereth said on his radio show in Denver.

“Thatā€™s disgusting ā€¦ Thatā€™s just awful. What are you doing? Plus, you just look like an absolute clown.

“What is wrong with you?” Schlereth continued. “He was 48 when she was born. She was a baby, and he was 48.”

Along with the backlash, Belichick has also received plenty of support.

“Itā€™s a big gap. You guys have problems with age gaps. Thatā€™s fine, I donā€™t judge,” Barstool founder Dave Portnoy said.

(Credit: Instagram: Jordon Hudson)
(Credit: Instagram: Jordon Hudson)

Belichick and Hudson reportedly met on a flight in 2021 and kept in touch, eventually starting their relationship after Belichick ended his long-term relationship with Linda Holliday.

Interestingly, Belichick signed a copy of ā€œDeductive Logicā€ for Hudson when they met on the flight three years ago.

ā€œJordon, Thanks for giving me a course on logic! Safe travels!ā€ read the message inside the book, above Belichickā€™s signature and a list of the Super Bowl titles the New England Patriots won under his leadership.

Along with Belichick, Hudson has also been the target of heavy criticism, with some labeling her as a “gold digger.”

‘She’s not shy – wanting the limelight is one thing but dating someone in his 70s is another. I didn’t realize she’d go as far to do that for fame,” one of Hudson’s friends recently told the New York Post.

While the pair have yet to publicly speak about their relationship, Hudson seems to be paying attention to what some people are saying – at least on social media.

ā€œGold digger with an old pedphile [sic] shame on both of you,ā€ a user posted on Hudson’s Facebook page.

A fellow user quickly came to Hudson’s defense and fired back: “Who are you to judge? Sheā€™s a legal adult last I checked 21 you become an adult. What is it then ? Are you jealous because you havenā€™t accomplished anything in life , and feel a need to insult someone you donā€™t even know , the reason people like you get away with making disparaging comments is because you probably wonā€™t be called out on it in person , where if the playing field was fair you would catch a slap like you deserve.ā€

Hudson ā€œlikedā€ her defenderā€™s remarks…


Interestingly, Belichick isn’t the only older man that Hudson has dated.

According to TMZ, she previously dated a 64-year-old businessman named Joshua L. Zuckerman.

Zuckerman came to Hudson’s defense and spoke highly of her character. He made it clear that he doesn’t feel she is deserving of the harsh criticism she’s been facing from some.

ā€œIā€™ve been getting calls left and right from news stations about my relationship with Jordon Hudson,ā€ Zuckerman told TMZ.

ā€œI have been involved with Jordon platonically and romantically and I consider her a good friend. I feel bad that sheā€™s caught up in this whirlwind.ā€

While some people simply don’t care about this story and think everyone should mind their own business, there are many who are very opinionated on the situation.

There are also some people who think Belichick dating a woman 48-years younger than him could potentially hurt him when it comes to his coaching future.

Do you think that’s the case? … Will some NFL owners hold Belichick’s young girlfriend against him?

Do you think the whole thing is a bad optic for Belichick? … Or do you reside in the “good for him” camp?

Most importantly, where do you think Belichick’s next coaching stop will be? … After all, some team will hire him next year … Right???
