INSIDER WAR!!: Mike Florio DESTROYS Adam Schefter For “IRRESPONSIBLE” Reporting … Did Schefter Cross The Line?? Whose Side Are You On??

There’s nothing better than a good old-fashioned NFL INSIDER WAR!

(Okay, I can think of a few things – but still…)

When you think of NFL insiders, two of the first names that pop into your head are Adam Schefter or ESPN and Mike Florio of Pro Football Talk.

Many like them. Many don’t … But the fact is both deliver solid information (for the most part) on a consistent basis.

However, Florio thinks there’s a double-standard and that Schefter gets a free pass on things he shouldn’t.

In a recent interview on Chicago’s 670 The Score, Florio pointed out the most recent incident that bothered him … It has to do with Schefter’s reporting of Detroit Lions offensive coordinator Ben Johnson who had been a head coaching candidate prior to removing his name from consideration.

Schefter had claimed that Johnson was not a head coaching “lock” and suggested that his asking price had “spooked” potential suitors – one assumingly being the Washington Commanders.

Florio, however, questioned the validity of such an accusation and criticized Schefter for sharing it without providing further details or allowing Johnson or his agent to respond to the allegation.

“I’m just amazed that he can get away with stuff that others can’t get away with. Throwing out there the idea that Ben Johnson’s asking price spooked teams with no further information, with no further context, with no opportunity for Johnson or his agent to respond to this suggestion, seems irresponsible to me,” Florio said during the interview.

Florio emphasized the lack of fairness in Schefter creating a narrative about Johnson that could be treated as gospel, especially considering the potential impact on Johnson’s reputation.

Florio acknowledged that he and Schefter were not currently friends, pointing out the sensitivity of the situation.

The Pro Football Talk founder expressed his desire for more information, questioning whether Johnson’s demands were unrealistic or if the Commanders provided Schefter with a “face-saving” accusation after failing to secure Johnson as their new head coach.

“That one tweet has a lot of curiosity that it sparks, and I feel like it’s not something that you put out there without more – and at a minimum, without giving Johnson a chance to refute it, explain it, comment on it, confirm it, whatever,” Florio said.

During his reporting, Schefter added that the Commanders were flying to Detroit to interview Johnson and Lions defensive coordinator Aaron Glenn when they learned of Johnson’s “surprising” decision.

As we know, the Commanders ended up hiring Dallas Cowboys defensive coordinator Dan Quinn as their new head coach.

We’re only left to speculate what EXACTLY happened with Johnson behind-the-scenes…

What are your thoughts on the situation?

Are you Team Schefter or Team Florio?

Looking at the big picture, what are your thoughts on Washington’s decision to hire Quinn? … Would they have been better off had they worked out a deal with Johnson???
