“SAY WHATTTT???”: RGIII & Jay Gruden Engage In HEATED Argument Over Disastrous Washington Days Like Two 10-Year-Olds … Whose Side Are You On??

The Washington Commanders search for both a head coach and a franchise quarterback continues to be a heated topic of conversation.

Former Washington head coach Jay Gruden went viral on social media when he criticized the Philadelphia Eagles for not protecting quarterback Jalen Hurts during the Birds nightmare loss against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers on Monday. 

“If I ever put a QB through what Philly is putting Jalen through, I apologize … Pick up a blitz!” Gruden tweeted on X.

As we know, former quarterback Robert Griffin III used to play for Gruden in Washington.

RGIII never misses a chance to cause a stir on social media … He quickly responded to Gruden, pointing out what he felt was a hypocritical statement by his former coach.  

“Say WHATTTT???” Griffin tweeted. 

“U weren’t prepared Robert?” Gruden responded…

To no one’s surprise, RGIII took the bait and shot back at Gruden.

“You told me you didn’t know how to coach a QB who could throw and run like me, so looks like you weren’t prepared Jay,” he tweeted…

Gruden served as the head coach of the Commanders franchise from 2014 to 2019, finishing with a record of 35-49-1 during his tenure.

Griffin, who played for Gruden during his first two seasons, infamously took quite a beating at quarterback – eventually leading to his early retirement. 

Longtime NFL player turned analyst, Brian Mitchell, chimed in and told Gruden to “please just f-ing disappear!!!”

Gruden hilariously responded to Mitchell.

“I are a punt returner … Be quiet,” he tweeted.

(The obvious grammatical error led some people to wonder if Gruden was possibly drunk.)

“I was way better at all of my jobs than you were at any of yours … You are a joke,” Mitchell responded.

In fairness to Mitchell, he is indeed considered one of the best – if not THE best – punt returners in NFL history. 

“You have criticized every coach that has ever coached in DC … Why don’t you coach? Punt return team would be sick,” Gruden responded. 

You just have to love a bunch of adult football lifers acting like 10-year-olds on social media!!

Regardless, what are your thoughts on the back-and-forth exchange?

Whose side are you on???

