11 YEAR OLD Gets Scholarship Offer!

Chances are you’ve never heard of Rudolph “Blaze” Ingram.

And with good reason.

After all, he’s only ELEVEN years old.

However, his young age didn’t stop Florida A&M from offering him a football scholarship.

That’s right…

This is what the world of college football recruiting has come to.

I wish Blaze nothing but the best – and I’m sure he’s going to develop into a very good player.

But ELEVEN years old… Jeez.

There’s no denying he’s been impressive thus far in his football “career” though.

He first put himself on the map as a seven year old when he ran the 100 meter dash in 13.48 seconds…

Fast forward four years, he’s a budding football star in Tampa, Florida.

That all leads us to Florida A&M’s Director of Recruiting, Devin Rispress, calling Blaze to offer him a scholarship.

“What I’m going to do is offer you at FAMU” Rispress told Blaze. “Like I said, you got a long way to go. Keep taking care of those grades, keep working the way you’re working, and we’ll get you out to the spring game.”

Blaze won’t be graduating until 2029 – But that didn’t stop the football world from reacting to the incredible story on social media…

“At 11 years old bruh!!!!!”

“Congrats youngin, keep climbing up and getting better,.. keep them grades up.”

“That’s how you be ahead of the train.”

Hug your parents a little tighter Congrats my boy.”

“Congratulations Young Blaze! Keep grinding kid!”

