WATCH: Patriots Legend Tells The Funniest Bill Belichick Story You’ll Ever Hear In Your Life … (Someone Please Hire This Man!!)

Matt Light is one of the most important and impactful players in New England Patriots history.

Tom Brady’s trusted left tackle spent his entire 11-year career in New England, making three Pro Bowls and playing a vital role on three Super Bowl title teams.

Light is also well-known for his personality and tendency to be quite the prankster.

As fierce of a competitor as he was, Light kept things loose – in a good way – around the Patriots locker room.

Appearing on Julian Edelman’s (very underrated) podcast, “Games With Names,” Light had a blast telling old war stories from his days in New England.

The highlight of his appearance was a story he told of an email exchange he had with head coach Bill Belichick back in 2007.

“I have never had a conversation with Bill about any of the funny stuff that’s ever happened between [us],” Light said. “The most treasured thing that I own in my life is an email exchange between Bill Belichick and I.”

“Bill doesn’t do human stuff,” Light made sure to add as he set the stage for his story.

He went on to mention how he was in Hawaii at an NFL Players Association meeting when he received an email from Belichick.

Initially, he thought for sure the email was a prank from teammate Dan Koppen.

“I’d missed the whole first week of the offseason program because I was at the meetings,” Light said. “I had to go. The next day was Monday, so I’m going to be jumping in a week late.”

Light pulled up the email on his phone to read to Edelman – It was dated April 7th, 2007.

(Light): “Greetings from the NEP Offseason Program!

It’s a chance for us to bond and start putting the wheels in motion for the following season. The foundation is put in this time of year. What you do in March, April, May and June, and what you do in minicamp and that passing camp has a direct effect on the beginning of your season, and you have to come out of the gate swinging pretty hard. And that’s what we’ve been able to do around here.”

(Belichick): “Hey Matt, just read this quote from you…what the f*ck?

We have over 50 guys here working out today, and the one who isn’t here does all the talking about how important all the offseason is. Figures. A lot of your teammates were concerned about you, and asked why you weren’t here. But don’t worry, we let them know that you’re in Hawaii for a week.

If you want to get something productive done out there, why don’t you have them move this meeting to the week BEFORE teams start their offseason programs?

Very respectfully yours,

Bill Belichick, Head Coach of the New England Patriots”

Once Light realized the email was actually from Belichick and wasn’t some sort of prank, he went into a little bit of a panic.

After taking a few days to think about what exactly to say, Light responded with his trademark sarcasm and stubbornness.

“Coach B,

First of all, allow me to apologize for not responding earlier to your prior email. It has been my experience, limited as it may be, that a reflexive response does not serve anyone well. Thus I felt it necessary to permit time to militate a more measured, philosophic response. As you are certainly better aware than anyone, we as human beings are not automatons. Rather, we stand as a compilation of free willed, rational beings.

Given this, it becomes critical to impose a measure of collectivism for the benefit of the order. I realize that the concept of collectivism strikes a measure of abhorrence in our rugged, individualistic society, but it is such a collective good that allows us all to benefit, and it does not require a study of the incunabulum for us to realize that both coaches and players gain from a measured, collective relationship with the financial bully pulpit held by the owners.

Given this, and despite my commitment to the offseason programs, I felt compelled to move forward the collective good of the players through attendance at the PA meetings. In the long run, it is generally for the benefit of all. My commitment to this end is in no way a negative reflection on my dedication and commitment to optimizing my personal performance to the greatest advantage of the team.

Your humble free-willed left tackle,

Matt Light

Light told Edelman that he felt good about his response and thought he explained himself as well as he could.

Belichick however was quick to respond…


I need some time to let this one settle, but I’ll start with this: Why don’t you consider dedicating yourself to having fewer mistakes, and not leading the team (once again) in being the most penalized player on our offense? Your numerous false start penalties, in evidence again at the Pro Bowl, and other transgressions like taunting continue to make me think that your distractions off the field affect your concentration on the field.

My advice if you have an interest in improving your performance, would be to minimize your distractions and focus on maximizing your physical development and technique in the offseason program.

I continue to feel that you were totally out of line commenting on the importance of the program when you were not in attendance with the rest of the team.

Finally Matt, there is no need to use multi-syllable words in your email that neither you nor I know. I am unimpressed.

This will conclude my email exchange and I will return my efforts of trying to do a better job of coaching this football team. As for the PA meetings, don’t worry about helping me. As I have said many times, and I remind myself, the best thing we can for ourselves and our families is WIN. Try to keep that in mind in your quest for world peace.

Sincerely and respectfully,

Bill Belichick, Head Coach of the New England Patriots

“That’s it, man,” Light said after he finished reading. “That’s all I need in life. And we’ve never once acknowledged it. I played for another four seasons, and it never came up in a conversation.”

Absolutely brilliant…

What are your thoughts on Light’s epic story???