Top HS Recruit Calls Nick Saban The “Weirdest & Most Arrogant” Coach He’s Ever Met … Will Bama Be Able To Remain Contenders??

At the recent Under Armour All-America Game’s media day event, one unnamed high school football recruit had less-than-flattering words for Alabama head coach Nick Saban.

The recruit, who remained anonymous in discussions with The Athletic, labeled Saban as the “weirdest/most arrogant” coach encountered during the recruiting process.

“I didn’t like Saban. It was just the vibe,” the anonymous recruit said.

Two other top recruits chimed in with similar thoughts on the legendary seven-time national champion head coach. 

“I’d say coach Saban (is the weirdest and most arrogant). My mom wasn’t happy with him. We were at a table eating and he acknowledged me, but not my parents. My mom said, “If you’re acknowledging my son, you should acknowledge me,” the recruit said. 

“Talking to Saban felt like talking to a robot. It didn’t feel real,” another recruit said. 

In contrast, another recruit had nothing but praise for Ohio State head coach Ryan Day, emphasizing a contrasting experience.

“You feel like you can talk to him about anything,” the recruit remarked, highlighting Day’s approachability and positive rapport with potential players.

As far as Saban, clearly he’s doing something right based on all of his success.

This year’s Alabama team was one of his worst in recent memory, yet he took them all the way to the Playoff and almost knocked off Michigan in the Rose Bowl. 

It’s no secret that his tough, demanding, old-school approach isn’t for everyone – especially for many of the softer kids these days.

However, something tells me he’s going to keep finding great players who want to buy into his culture and both sides will be better for it. 

Needless to say, The Athletic’s report drew plenty of reaction on social media…

“The “vibe”: At Alabama, if your attitude isn’t that of a winner & you’re not trying to improve, then we don’t want you. Yep, that probably comes across as arrogant to a pampered 17-18 year old.”

“I know what that Vibe was. Im not your daddy you will have to work for shit at BAMA.”

“Opinions are like ____everyone has one. Good luck in your future career son, hope your feelings never get hurt. Oh, btw see you in the transfer portal soon.
High School Recruit Names Nick Saban ‘Most Arrogant’ Coach He Met.”

“Can talk to Ryan Day about anything lol except how to win a National Championship.”

“So coaches are calling trying to give this student a full scholarship and an NL deal and he does not want them to call?”

What are your thoughts on the comments from the “anonymous” recruits?

Where do you rank Saban among the best college football coaches of all-time? 

Is he indeed the greatest ever???