Nick Saban, renowned for his success on the football field, has expanded his off-field ventures with the acquisition of two South Florida Mercedes-Benz stores through his co-owned Dream Motor Group. In a substantial $700 million deal, Saban’s automotive portfolio now includes locations in Birmingham, Baton Rouge, Nashville, and the Houston area.
Nick Saban is quietly building a massive car dealership business 📈
• Owns ~10 car dealerships
• Employs 500+ people
• Locations sell Mercedes & Ferrari’sAnd he recently closed a $700 million deal.
Here’s the story 👇
Nick Saban grew up in a mining town in West Virginia.…
— Joe Pompliano (@JoePompliano) November 9, 2023
Dream Motor Group — co-owned by Nick Saban — has purchased two Mercedes-Benz dealerships in Florida for $700 million.
Saban’s portfolio now includes seven Mercedes locations and a Ferrari dealership.
(h/t @Automotive_News)
— Front Office Sports (@FOS) November 9, 2023
While Saban’s business acumen continues to grow, some fans expressed discontent in online comments, highlighting a perceived contradiction between his business success and his reservations about the current NCAA Name, Image, and Likeness (NIL) landscape. Saban, earlier this year, voiced concerns about the NIL system, particularly the emergence of NIL collectives.
“you don’t find that suspicious” -Dr.Umar
— Quindell Daniels (@QuindellDaniels) November 9, 2023
He’s got some nerve to have his public opinion on NIL.
— Tweets by J (@HawkeySeason) November 9, 2023
All off the backs of his players skills.
— I’m The Prize. (@worldwide_ez) November 9, 2023
“My players shouldn’t be able to make a dime, but I can make hundreds of millions of dollars off of their hard work!”
— Jack (@FieldsAllProSZN) November 9, 2023
That’s not sus.
— DKRBEVO (@BrienDerrick3) November 9, 2023
Doesn’t he use these dealerships to skirt NIL rules?
— Nick Sharif (@SharifNick) November 9, 2023
And he is complaining about Deion huh?
— Black Panther 1968 (@Panther_1968) November 9, 2023
Look at what them “players not getting paid but u we’re” got ya Nick like stop ittttttt
— 5-3 #SteelersNation #76ersNation (@GhfReg24) November 9, 2023
NIL collectives, which pool funds from boosters and businesses, aim to facilitate deals for athletes. Saban questioned the potential creation of a “pay-for-play type of environment” through these collectives, expressing worries that players might choose schools based on financial opportunities rather than academic and athletic goals.
Despite his reservations, Saban acknowledged the positive aspects of NIL for players but stressed the need for federal-level guidelines to ensure consistency across states and prevent potential recruiting imbalances. He suggested that addressing the NIL framework at the federal level would provide necessary guidelines for a system that has rapidly evolved without clear oversight.