HOW COULD THEY?!: Football Fans Furious About One Mind-Boggling Scheduling Decision … Did The NFL Cross The Line??

We are inching closer to the full reveal of the 2024 NFL schedule.

As is always the case, there have been several leaks – some on purpose, some not – but come 8pm EST everyone is going to be able to lay their eyes on the complete and official schedule.

One of the many developments we do know for a fact is that there will be two NFL games played on Saturday, December 21st.

One of those matchups will be televised by NBC and Peacock.

Needless to say, with the NFL being by far the most valuable real estate in all of broadcasting, NBC was quite thrilled to secure the exclusive spot.

NBC’s President of Sports, Rick Cordella, expressed enthusiasm about the acquisition.

“We’re excited to work with our partners at the NFL to acquire an additional game for NBCUniversal platforms at a crucial point in the playing season,” NBC’s President of Sports Rick Cordella said.

“With two NFL games in exclusive windows on the last December weekend before the holidays, we continue to deliver for our owned-stations, affiliates and partners.”

Playing on Saturdays towards the end of the regular season is nothing new for the NFL.

However, the NFL playing games during the College Football Playoff most certainly is.

Of course, with the CFB Playoff field expanding to 12-teams this coming season, the crucial matchups will begin much earlier than they used to.

Exact times for all of the matchups set to be played that day will become clearer, but there is going to be overlap.

As you would expect, football fans are NOT happy!

Many fans feel this is a prime example of the NFL stepping out of bounds and argued that the decision to play games during the CFB Playoff is selfish and completely unnecessary.

However, the NFL’s Chief Media and Business Officer, Brian Rolapp, defended the decision.

“We’re still going to do what we do,” Rolapp stated.

On one hand, you have to respect and admire the NFL steaming ahead and doing what they feel is best for the league.

It’s that type of winning attitude that has made Roger Goodell’s league the most powerful in all of sports.

However, the frustration from fans is certainly understandable.

It’s one thing to take over Christmas and blow the NBA out of the water – which is exactly what the NFL has done. But it’s another thing to go head-to-head against college football and indirectly (but directly) take away viewers.

Having said that, we’re now in the era of most die-hard football fans having multiple screens in front of them on gamedays.

Therefore, most every fan will be able to watch all of the games at the same time … It might not be ideal. But it’s certainly doable.

What are your thoughts on the NFL steaming ahead and scheduling two NFL games on a day where the CFB Playoff is supposed to take center stage?

Do you agree with the NFL’s decision? … Or do you think they should have left college football alone?

Which will you be more focused on come December 21st: the NFL or the CFB Playoff???